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Teaching and Learning Resources. <p class="noscript_warning">This site depends on JavaScript for proper functioning and display.

Teaching and Learning Resources

<br />Please allow scripts to run on this site so that it works correctly. </p> Welcome to the companion site for the popular textbook Web Design: A Complete Introduction. Here you will find a wide range of resources for students and instructors using the book. The 960 Grid System Made Easy. By Joshua Johnson The first time I discovered the 960 Grid System, I was immediately excited about the possibilities of implementing complex layouts so easily.

The 960 Grid System Made Easy

However, since I was fairly new to web design at the time, when I downloaded the files, I quickly became overwhelmed at how complicated the whole thing seemed. With all this code, how could this be the easy way to create a layout? This article is for web designers and front-end web developers who are interested in grid-based layout systems but are at a loss on how to decipher them. We’ll focus specifically on the 960 Grid System, but after reading this guide, you’ll find that most of the other grid systems out there are similar and will make much more sense after you understand a few basic principles.


Wordpress. Smashing Magazine.