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El blog de LORING art. El pasado jueves día 13 de Marzo presentamos ‘Fanzines’ de Albert Riera Galcerán. Nuestras presentaciones son tan eclécticas como nuestro carácter. Tanto nos da por presentar un ensayo firmado por un nombre importante que nos atrevemos a presentar la autoedición de un jovencísimo fotógrafo. Para nosotros es un placer crear vínculos con clientes, artistas o personas con inquietudes artísticas y así es como, de forma natural, surgen propuestas interesantes. Imagen de “Walks” A Albert lo conocíamos de verlo pasear por la librería e interesarse por los más variados títulos. Se atrevió a preguntarnos y, dado que no dudábamos de su buen gusto, nos aventuramos a dejarle presentar aquí sus dos fanzines “Walks” y “Memory Treasures” sin haberlos visto y sin apenas saber mucho más sobre ellos.

Una de las imágenes de “Memory Treasures” Albert Riera no ha entrado todavía en la veintena pero tiene ya una sensibilidad especial. Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog. Mobile ART. BlogCatalog. New Art. Using walls (p.2): the Splasher controversy. There are several excellent Polish sites about art. They focus mainly on Polish art and the Polish contemporary art milieu, and have a certain tendency toward a specialized and a high-brow discourse, but they have lots of good discoveries and insights and are a great reference point. And they're in Polish, which makes me one lucky bastard. Lucky for most of you, they also have lots of images of new Polish works. I recommend two: and strasznasztuka ('terrible art') From time to time, they also put on things happening outside of Poland. Below is a translation of one of the articles: "Splasher" is now the hottest street-art name in New-York.

Not because of what he makes, but because of what he destroys. The street art works, once considered only as acts of vandalism, are now themselves victims of a vandal. The mysterious Splasher is being looked for on the internet. But what are Splasher's actual motives? New Yorkers don't appreciate Splasher's "art". (text by strembol) We make money not art. Art21 Blog. Hyperallergic — Sensitive to Art and its Discontents. Iheartmyart ♥ Art Of The State News - London :: Main Page. ArtCat - The Opinionated Guide to New York Art. Eyeteeth: A journal of incisive ideas. Art Wolfe Inc. Photography Blog Site. Blog art. Catherine Spaeth. Joanne Mattera Art Blog. - 70 Million. Hrag Vartanian — A blog of art, culture, photography, writing an. Theartblog | Roberta Fallon and Libby Rosof’s artblog. Modern Art Obsession. Contemporary Art Blogs - - "Vienna: Enchanted J. Modern Art Notes. NEWSgrist - where spin is art. PORT - Portland art + news + reviews.