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Mary, Queen of Scots - Queen. In 1542, the Scottish throne went to Mary, Queen of Scots, a controversial monarch who would also become France's queen consort and claim the English crown.

Mary, Queen of Scots - Queen

Synopsis The death of her father, which occurred just days after her birth, put Mary, Queen of Scots, on the throne in 1542. She briefly became queen consort in France before returning to Scotland. Forced to abdicate by Scottish nobles in 1567, Mary sought the protection of England's Queen Elizabeth I, who instead had her arrested. Mary spent the remainder of her life in captivity until her 1587 execution. The Queen's Youth Mary Stuart was born on December 8, 1542, in Linlithgow Palace, West Lothian, Scotland. Given Mary's age, her great uncle, Henry VIII, made a bid for control, but her mother ended up acting as regent on Mary's behalf. Macbeth - Biography - King, Military Leader.

Macbeth was king of Scotland during the 11th century.

Macbeth - Biography - King, Military Leader

He was also the basis for Shakespeare's play Macbeth. Synopsis Macbeth took the throne after killing his cousin, King Duncan I, in battle in 1040. In 1046, Siward, earl of Northumbria, unsuccessfully attempted to dethrone Macbeth in favor of Malcolm. In 1054, Macbeth was apparently forced by Siward to yield part of southern Scotland to Malcolm. Early Life. Scotland Time Line Chronological Timetable of Events. Scotland's History - The Wars of Independence. The Scottish Wars of Independence, 1286-1328 - NQ Higher Scottish History. Scottish history. The history of Scotland is as fascinating as it is complex.

Scottish history

There were tribal Celts and ancient, face-painted Picts, Roman conquerors and audacious red-headed Vikings, fallen monarchs and powerful warrior-royals, noble clansmen, great explorers, pensive philosophers, bright inventors, and all that came with them and the remnants they left behind including astonishing signs of their presence and sophistication. Think ancient and mysterious standing stones, fine castles and lavish stately homes, striking architecture, derelict fortresses, world-famous feats of engineering and more!

From the Scottish Borders to Orkney and from Fife to the Isle of Skye, fierce battles, cruel ridings and bloody risings were won and lost, lasting unions were forged, and new discoveries and world-changing inventions were made. The list could go on as the history of Scotland stretches back thousands of years. Relive the past and witness the wondrous monuments that today proudly tell their stories. A Brief History of Scotland. James IV (1488-1513) restored order.

A Brief History of Scotland

Furthermore his reign was a great age for literature in Scotland. Also the first printing press was set up in Edinburgh in 1507. Meanwhile Aberdeen University was founded in 1495 and in 1496 a law was passed requiring all well off landowners to send their eldest sons to school. Then in 1503 James married Margaret, daughter of Henry VII of England. In 1511 James built a huge warship called the Great Michael. His heir James V was only a child and he did not begin to rule Scotland till 1528. The throne passed to Mary Queen of Scots, who was only a baby. Scottish History. History - Historic Figures: Edward I (1239 - 1307)

Scotland's Bravehearts - Robert the Bruce and William Wallace. There are two men whose names were a clarion call to all Scots.

Scotland's Bravehearts - Robert the Bruce and William Wallace

Robert the Bruce, who took up arms against both Edward I and Edward II of England and who united the Highlands and the Lowlands in a fierce battle for liberty: and a humble Lowland knight, Sir William Wallace. Sir William Wallace 1272 – 1305 Wallace killed the English Sheriff of Lanark who had apparently murdered Wallace's sweetheart. A price was put on his head, so Wallace took the bold course and raised the Scottish Standard. Supported by a few of the Scots barons, he inflicted a resounding defeat on the English at Stirling Bridge in 1297. Wallace then made a fatal mistake; he took on the English Army who greatly outnumbered his men, and in a pitched battle at Falkirk in 1298, Edward I of England annihilated the Scots battalions and Wallace became a fugitive for 7 years. While in Glasgow in 1305 he was betrayed and taken to London where he was tried for treason in Westminster Hall.

Robert the Bruce 1274 – 1329. Sir William Wallace. History - Robert the Bruce. Biographies of Great Men & Women of England, Wales and Scotland. Robert I, the Bruce (1274-1329) Robert Bruce is surely the greatest of all the great Scottish heroes, yet the Hollywood movie Braveheart gave all the heroics to his compatriot William Wallace, making Bruce out to be nothing more than a self-serving opportunist.

Biographies of Great Men & Women of England, Wales and Scotland

However, it was the patience and cunning of Bruce that Scotland needed, not the impetuousness of Wallace, especially facing such formidable enemies as the English, first under Edward I and then under his son and heir Edward II. Bruce bided his time; he first had to establish his authority as King of Scotland. William Wallace - Royalty, Military Leader. William Wallace, a Scottish knight, became a central early figure in the wars to secure Scottish freedom from the English, becoming one of his country's greatest national heroes.

William Wallace - Royalty, Military Leader

Synopsis. History - William Wallace.