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Counter Surveillance Information Center. For every Eavesdropping "Bug", "Telephone Tap", "Spy-Cam" and "Tracking Device" that is sold, there are 20 - 30 people out there that are afraid they are being secretly watched and/or listened to.

Counter Surveillance Information Center

If you've ever thought about entering one of the most interesting, exciting and extremely lucrative businesses around today, look no further. The Counter Surveillance industry is exploding with opportunity. It seems that everywhere we turn . . . everywhere we go . . . someone is watching or listening-in on our private conversations. And with each day that passes, the numbers of "watchers" and "listeners" seems to grow and grow. Today's advances in eavesdropping technology now allow just about anyone to become an eavesdropper. Husbands, wives, neighbors, businesses and governement . . . The everyday privacy that we once took for granted is now gone forever. There is an enormous market that has, until now, been virtually untouched. It's almost too good to be true. Counter Surveillance. Counter Surveillance: Protecting Your Business From Industrial Espionage No business in today's highly competitive marketplace is safe from the threat of industrial espionage.

When possible, information thieves take the easiest route to a company's information. In those situations, for example, a theif may gain authorized access as a contract employee. In other cases, an agent might enter the building as a member of the cleaning crew or gather information from employees by posing as a vendor, potential client, or headhunter.

However, when these avenues have been successfully cut off, spies will turn to surveillance technology. While never 100 percent accurate, these highly specialized counter surveillance searches have become more effective in recent years as the counter surveillance technology used to find microphones, transmitters, and other eavesdropping devices has caught up to the sophistication level of clandestine surveillance equipment. THE TEAM. How to tune a ukulele. The four main types of ukulele (soprano, concert, tenor and baritone) each have their own standard tuning.

How to tune a ukulele

However, it has become more common for the three smallest types of ukulele to all be tuned to G-C-E-A. While the standard tuning of the soprano ukulele is A4-D4-F#4-B4, it is now almost exclusively tuned down to the 'concert' tuning of G4-C4-E4-A4. The tenor on the other hand has two common G-C-E-A tunings, involving either a high-G or low-G. While the high-G tenor tuning is exactly the same as the concert and soprano tuning (G4-C4-E4-A4), the low-G tuning breaks away from the standard ukulele re-entrant tuning by lowering the G-string by an octave (G3-C4-E4-A4). The baritone ukulele is the most differently tuned of the four types of ukulele, as it is tuned to the same pitch as the four-highest strings of the guitar, with the scientific pitch: D3-G3-B3-E4.

If you are just beginning to tune your ukulele, then it is a good idea to use a chromatic tuner to start off with. Online Ukulele Tuner. Use this free online ukulele tuner to tune your ukulele.

Online Ukulele Tuner

This online tuner is special because you are able to change the notes to what you want, this is especially useful if you are using Alternate Ukulele Tunings. The default tuning is the standard GCEA ukulele tuning. If you have a Banjo Ukulele, then the tunings are still the same, so this will work. You will find presets for alternate tunings on the right side.

For other methods on how to tune your ukulele go to our How to Tune the Ukulele page. If this tuner does not work for you check out our HTML5 Ukulele Tuner. Check out our old ukulele tuner. How to Use this Tuner: To the right there is an image that explains the numbering of the strings on an ukulele. Learn how to play: Now that you have your ukulele tuned, it is time to start playing it. The Hal Leonard Ukulele Method is a great resource for those who are beginning ukulele or experienced players who want to hone their skills. Ukulele Mandolin Banjo Bass Pipa Bouzouki Programs all with Sound by Gootar. <p class="nonjsAlert">NOTE: All Music Programs on the Gootar web site require Javascript and Flash.

Ukulele Mandolin Banjo Bass Pipa Bouzouki Programs all with Sound by Gootar

<br />You can enable both via your browser's preference settings. </p> Everything found within this site is sole ownership and property of gootar and may not be duplicated. || appName = Netscape || appVersion = 5.0 (X11) || userAgent = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0 tb vb ds kl enk jz no msg iwtfeksbicnsi wow... ettmtipatwf 061010 Mon Apr 14 2014 10:47:54 GMT+0200 (CEST) blaze ਪਰਮਿੰਦਰ ਕੌਰ ਨਾਗਰਾ You ♥ NY? Types of Ukuleles. Barton County, MO Scanner Frequencies. My Modern Metropolis.


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