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John Wick to Become a Virtual Reality Experience. By Alex Osborn John Wick is making its way to virtual reality with a brand-new experience that allows users to inhabit the character using HTC's Vive headset.

John Wick to Become a Virtual Reality Experience

According to Variety, Lionsgate is partnering with VR startup Wevr to produce the experience, which allows you to explore the Continental Hotel as Wick as you're tasked with figuring out how to "bribe the concierge, pick up dubious clues, and finally dodge bullets as someone breaks the Continental’s code of conduct and attacks their hotel room. " Got feedback on our player? Are Movie Theaters About to Disappear? How VR Will Remake Hollywood. Since the first public movie theater opened in the U.S. in 1905, movies have evolved significantly—sound, color, computer effects, high definition.

Are Movie Theaters About to Disappear? How VR Will Remake Hollywood

However, one thing hasn’t changed. We still go to the theater to see our favorite films on the big screen. But for how long? During a panel at a recent program put on by 20th Century Fox Studios and Singularity University, an unspoken question lingered in the audience: Are movie theaters on the verge of extinction? Oculus Founder: Virtual reality will change jou... These FX Wizards May Have Solved VR Films' Biggest Problem. When you buy a movie from Oculus, your friends get a ticket too - UploadVR. The Fundamentals of User Experience in Virtual Reality — Block Interval. One of the curious things we've discovered is that normal maps can break immersion in VR in some cases.

The Fundamentals of User Experience in Virtual Reality — Block Interval

This is because the eye is very good at picking out depth information- and since VR is stereoscopic by default- we see normal maps as flat or lacking all of the depth information to signify 'this object has depth.' This means that geometry has to carry the weight of immersion much more than normal maps. It is probably a good idea to only use normal maps on objects that will be far away from the player since the parallax effect will be negligible beyond a certain distance.

Paranormal Activity VR Demo Heading to Theatres This Week with HTC Vive. Back in June 2015 VRFocus reported on the news that developer VRWERX was working on a new entry into the popular Paranormal Activity horror franchise in the form of a virtual reality (VR) videogame named Paranormal Activity VR.

Paranormal Activity VR Demo Heading to Theatres This Week with HTC Vive

The experience is set to arrive on the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR head-mounted displays (HMDs) next year. For those that can’t wait until 2016, however, VRWERX has today announced that a demo for the title will be on display at select AMC theatres across the US from tomorrow. Object-based-audio-key-to-vr-immsersion,30351. I recently attended Immersed 2015, and after going through my notes, an obvious recurring theme emerged: Many, if not most, of the speakers and panelists at the event were of the same opinion that the auditory experience in VR is just as important as the visual experience -- if not more important.


"Sound is 50 Percent Of The Movie Experience" How The United Nations Is Using Virtual Reality To Tackle Real-World Problems. Though there’s still much to be learned about the power and potential of virtual reality—from the release date of upcoming VR headsets to how this nascent technology will shape entertainment, education, and social interaction—filmmaker Chris Milk has already arrived at one important conclusion. "Virtual reality, fundamentally, is a technology that removes borders," he says. "Anything can be local to you. " Milk should know. The trailblazing director, who made his name creating cutting-edge, immersive music videos for bands such as U2 and Arcade Fire, recently founded the production company to push the boundaries of virtual-reality filmmaking and offer tools and support to people interested in the medium.

One of his first big projects: teaming up with the United Nations to create a series of short VR films highlighting some of the most pressing global challenges facing the organization, including the Syrian refugee crisis and climate change. Roadtovr. An interview with Polish site may have just revealed the release date for the HTC Vive in three territories, US, UK and Germany.


In an interview with the site, HTC with Bartosz Zik, Product Commercialisation Manager at HTC, it’s mentioned that HTC expect to “Premiere” the SteamVR headset on December 8th. Update: We reached out to HTC and their response states “I would not consider this information confirmed or from HTC official channels.” Update 2: The same HTC employee in another interview can be seen below – again stating the 8th of December for an HTC launch. 4 Steps to Start Experimenting with WebVR in 10 Minutes. Optinvent-lance-la-version-grand-public-de-son-casque-de-realite-augmentee. VR Launchpad 2015: Eric Romo - Lessons Learned In VR Startup Fundraising.

Magic Leap Releases Raw Footage Created With It... Réalité virtuelle: pourquoi les entreprises françaises ont toutes leurs chances. Ce boulon lui résiste. Malgré l'outil qu'il tient dans sa main, il ne parvient pas à effectuer correctement le réglage qui lui permettrait de relier l'élément à l'ensemble de la carlingue de l'Airbus A380 sur lequel il travaille. Le technicien retire ses lunettes spéciales et s'adresse à l'ingénieure, à quelques mètres de lui: "Va falloir modifier les plans! " La lumière se rallume, l'avion s'estompe. Les deux professionnels sont debout dans une pièce de 9 mètres carrés, des écrans sur tous les murs. Ici, au Technocentre de Renault à Guyancourt, on appelle ça un "Cave", pour "Cave Automatic Virtual Environment" (caverne d'environnement virtuel automatique). Facebook, HTC, Samsung, Microsoft ou Google, ces entreprises cherchent toutes à faire de la réalité virtuelle leur nouvelle martingale.

Le mythe du Cave Les "Cave", ces salles immersives constituées d'écrans, ont vu le jour dans les années 90, aux Etats-Unis. De la formation à la vente, la réalité virtuelle partout Et maintenant? Virtual Reality Is ‘The Last Medium,’ Says Filmmaker and Vrse CEO Chris Milk (Q&A) “I prefer making stuff to talking about how I made the stuff,” says Vrse CEO Chris Milk.

Virtual Reality Is ‘The Last Medium,’ Says Filmmaker and Vrse CEO Chris Milk (Q&A)

“I have to do that a lot lately. You do one TED Talk, and then everyone thinks that you’re the guy.” But like it or not, Vrse has been attracting inbound attention from Hollywood, Silicon Valley and beyond. The 15-person startup has forged partnerships with major media entities like the New York Times, entertainment properties like “Saturday Night Live” and even the United Nations. How VR will conquer your worst fears. When I was a little kid, I washed my hands so often that my skin bled raw.

How VR will conquer your worst fears

I had just learned what germs were and in my imagination little disease-ridden critters crawled all over me every time I touched something new. So a few times an hour, I would run to the sink and try to scrub them off. Not really knowing what to do, my mom bought me a pair of pretty white princess gloves and hovered to make sure I never took them off.. I got over obsessively washing my hands, but it was the beginning of a lifetime of finding terror and anxiety in odd places.

I’ve been crippled with panic over irrational fears of sharks, sweat, public restrooms, and, after violently slamming into a tree the first time I got behind the wheel, driving a car. My heart still races nearly every time I drive. At the center, in a drab office park on the outskirts of the city, the first VR program I tried was one designed to treat PTSD in returning combat veterans.

La réalité virtuelle pour guérir des phobies. The Choreography of Attention. At nearly every VR related conference I’ve been to someone either on stage or in discussions steadfastly claims: You can not edit in VR.

The Choreography of Attention

Usually this is followed by a quip about teleporting audience members from place to place and how ‘just not real that is.’