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The Fogcutter Challenge 2015! « A MOUNTAIN OF CRUSHED ICE. This weekend there has been a Fogcutter challenge on Instagram where you could participate by making Fogcutters and variations of it and it was not a recipe contest even though the drinks should be based on the original recipes with great variations allowed….but one didn´t even necessarily have to make a drink either, it could be a drink from a bar as well, but it was a picture contest! And there is a prize! And just to have fun and get an excuse (if such thing is needed….?) To drink some rummy tiki drinks 106 posts were made… The whole thing was invented by El Nova last weekend when it was the Navy Grog Challenge, it was created because Jason Alexander (Tacoma Cabana – they actually serve no less than 7 different Mai Tai variations!) Then he asked Jason and a few other people to help promote it on Instagram. My Navy Grog made with Jeff Berry`s Navy Grog Cone Kit which can be purchased at Cocktail Kingdom!

There was no shortage of imagination! Here is a feast for the eyes! Jungle Cutter #1. Martinique Rums - Imbibe Magazine. Rum’s origins can be traced to the Caribbean, the archipelago curving from Cuba to Trinidad. Historically home to colonial rivalries and sprawling sugar plantations, the Caribbean islands each developed its own approach to making rum—but as those with a passion for this most diverse of spirits are increasingly discovering, perhaps no other island’s rum is so different from the others, and so engagingly evocative of its home island, as the rum that comes from Martinique. “If you look at the islands, which were isolated from each other, you’re going to have regional differences in the styles of rum—in the way they make it, and in their personal tastes,” says Ed Hamilton, publisher of the Ministry of Rum website and an evangelist for (and importer of) Martinique rum.

Hamilton notes that not only does Martinique rum taste different, but it’s distinctive enough to have the precise peculiarities of its production defined by law—a relatively novel concept for the freewheeling category of rum. Lost Spirits Home Page. Better Aging Through Chemistry? | Bottom of the Barrel: A Bourbon Podcast and Blog. The internet has been all a-twitter lately about various forms of expedited aging in whiskey and bourbon. A majority of the discussion has been about whether or not these accelerated products can still meet the legal definitions of Kentucky Bourbon, Straight Bourbon, or even just plain Bourbon (for more on that aspect, check out Fred Minnick’s blog here and here). As that discussion continues, we thought we would give you guys the lowdown on what we know (and don’t know) about some of these processes and how they might work. We’ll be looking at TerrePURE by Terressentia, Cleveland Bourbon, Defiant Whiskey, and the “chemical reactor” from Lost Spirits.

Warning, science ahead…and pseudoscience, for that matter, as some of this, though proprietary industry methods, seems a bit shrouded in too much vaguery (read suspect). Abbreviations: GC = Gas chromatography, LC = Liquid chromatography, and MS = Mass spectrometry. TerrePURE by Terressentia Let’s begin with TerrePURE by Terressentia. Better Aging Through Chemistry? | Bottom of the Barrel: A Bourbon Podcast and Blog. Better Drinking Through Chemistry. In the Pipeline: This is a fascinating article about a guy who's looking into the chemistry of aged spirits - rum, whiskey, cognac, and so on - and trying to find ways, as he puts it, to hack the process. I'm not a drinker myself, but I've watched with interest as the craft spirits movement has become popular. How, I wondered, could anyone start up a business in this area, when you need years in wooden barrels to make the stuff high-quality? Did someone have the idea back when Bill Clinton was running for office that there would be a market for small-volume distilled spirits, and plan accordingly?

Not at all. What happens is that the many of these tiny-label outfits buy their stuff from large-volume distilleries, sometimes doing the minimum possible to get their own brand on it. But that's not the business model that this new piece is talking about. The trick then is to encourage esterification in a short time period, and that’s the core science behind Davis’s Model 1 reactor. Spicing and aging rum. Home Distillation of Alcohol (Homemade Alcohol to Drink) Rum The Standards of Identity for rum are fairly simple and straightforward. Rum is an alcoholic distillate from the fermented juice of sugarcane, sugarcane syrup, sugarcane molasses, or other sugarcane by-products, produced at less than 190o proof in such manner that the distillate possesses the taste, aroma, and characteristics generally attributed to rum, and bottled at not less than 80o proof; and also includes mixtures solely of such distillates.

The quality factors for rum are the same as for the other distilled beverages we have examined. As the Standards of Identity state, there are several types of sugarcane products which may be used and this is a critical factor. Others are the yeasts used for fermentation, the type of fermentation, the distillation system, the aging time and materials, and the skill of blending.

Ingredients. Sugarcane Juice This is simply the juice extracted by milling the sugar cane. Sugarcane Syrup. Molasses. Other By-Products. Choice of Yeasts. Light Rums. Peter's Rum Labels - J. Wray & Nephew Ltd. (Jamaica) Only 22 of 56 labels are shown. Underplayed labels are variations with minor differences. Appleton Estate is distillery owned by J. Wray & Nephew Limited. Wray & Nephew Group Limited have subsidiaries: J. Wray & Nephew Limited J. It all began in the year 1825 when John Wray, a wheelwright living in the parish of St. It was beside the Theatre Royal that John Wray set up shop, and he called it appropriately, “The Shakespeare Tavern”. Wray & Nephew still operates a bar on the site of the Shakespeare Tavern, and there is still a theatre, the parish church, and the market across the square, still called Parade. In 1860 Wray took his 22 year old nephew, Charles James Ward, into the business, and in 1862 he made him his partner.

Charles James Ward was a dynamic and gifted entrepreneur, and under his leadership J. Ward developed his heritage - a tavern and liquor-dealing concern, into one of Jamaica's largest commercial enterprises, and a company that enjoyed international success . J. Pugi's Rum or "Pugirum" Small Barrel Aging - A Bourbon and a Spiced Rum. About a month ago I purchased two 3 Liter barrels to try aging a bourbon and a rum (to make into a spiced rum) and though it's a project many of you may roll your eyes a bit at, it's opened up this whole world to me and I think has been a good way to begin. I went into this not knowing anything about fermenting or distilling, so I filled the barrels with store-bought un-aged spirits to try my hand at aging them into something I'd actually like the drink. As with most hobbies, it's turned out to be a whole lot more expensive than I anticipated (Barrels=200, approx 100 to fill each barrel, 50.00 hydometer), but the amount of reading I've done (the internet's been great for this) on a pretty much daily basis has really caused me to learn quite a bit, so even if it turns out to be an expensive mishap, I've learned a ton, mainly from this site.

So I filled the barrels on Oct 2nd and my biggest problem has been just leaving the dammed things alone. I'll post again when I take the next steps.