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Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews - The Imaging Resource! Digital Camera Tips and Reviews: Photonhead, The Essence of Mode. Digital Photography Tutorials. Learn how to take and edit digital photographs using visual tutorials that emphasize concept over procedure, independent of specific digital camera or lens. This is a complete listing of all tutorials on this site; click the drop-down links in the top menu to see particular topics. Photography is going through an exciting transition period as many film photographers are beginning to explore the new capabilities of digital cameras. While the fundamentals have remained similar, other aspects are markedly different. This is a great time to get involved with digital photography. These tutorials are rarely influenced by changes in image editing software and camera equipment — due to their unique concept-based approach.

View in other languages: Português Русский Deutsch Français Italiano. Classroom - MorgueFile. The Luminous Landscape. 90+ Online Photography Tools and Resources. PhotoOnHead. Focus on Photography. Expert Advice on Taking Better Travel Photos The photos above won grand prize honors in a recent Fodor's photo contest, in which we asked our members to show us their very best snapshots of Alaska. We love these images by Chris Marlow and Brian Embacher so much that we will be including them in Fodor's Alaska 2009. Our tips will help you take great photographs like these. For example, by including two human figures in the frame, the glacier image above conveys the vast scale of the Alaskan landscape.

Meanwhile, the image on the right is a good example of creating your own luck and being prepared to capture spontaneous events you might not see back home. With photographer Jeff Wignall and Fodor's as your guide, memorable photographs are well within your reach. Learn more about... Improve Your Photos 60 Seconds at a Time. If you are tired of reading long explanations and confused by tricky photo techniques, here you can have it short and sweet. Arranged by topics, each subject takes less than 60 seconds to read. Once you’ve read the ideas and tips, picture in your mind some photographs you have already taken.

Think of how they could have been improved by applying what you have learned here. Visualize how you might have taken your photos differently. Already your photography is improving! Light | Landscaping | People | Color | Composition | Being Ready Light Dancing with light Light from the side brings out shapes, textures and structures. The color of color Mastering flash Balance the flash with day light for stunning results. Choosing your time Landscaping your photos Composition essentials It’s best to keep your horizons level in your photographs, otherwise your shots will appear crooked (unless that’s what you want!). Framing the lines Zooming around Prospecting the perspective Foregrounding Cool proportions Thirds. Digital Learning Center. <div class="wpthemeMessage" role="alert" wairole="alert"><img class="wpthemeMsgIcon wpthemeMsgIconError" src="" alt="Error" /><span class="wpthemeAltText">Error:</span><div class="wpthemeMessageBody">Javascript is disabled in this browser.

This page requires Javascript. Modify your browser's settings to allow Javascript to execute. See your browser's documentation for specific instructions. </div></div> Education & Inspiration Learn with Canon online, with educational articles and training videos at your fingertips. Immerse yourself in product walk-throughs, how-to tutorials, and inspirational interviews with creative imagemakers using Canon gear to tell their stories. Workshops & Classes Learn with Canon in-person, with experiences that educate and inspire. Events Calendar Want to learn with Canon in-person? Learning Center. Photojojo - The best photo tips, DIY projects, and gear in the w.

FunPhotoBox - funny pictures, funny photo effects. Make fun with. Digital photography classes online at BetterPhoto. DSLR News Shooter. Street Photography guide from "Stare. It is the way to educate your eye, and more. Stare, pry, listen eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long.

" Walker Evans (in a draft text to accompany the hidden camera subway photographs) The best thing about street photography: serendipity The best thing about street photography is that it is possible for the final viewer of a print to see more than the original photographer. Volume, Volume, Volume Garry Winogrand is famous for having exposed three rolls of Kodak TRI-X black and white film on the streets of New York City every day for his entire adult life. This is the kind of dedication that you need to bring to a street photography project if you hope to achieve greatness.

Technique The classic technique for street photography consists of fitting a wide (20mm on a full-frame camera) or moderately wide-angle (35mm) lens to a camera, setting the ISO to a moderate high speed (400 or 800), and pre-focusing the lens. Gallery A few more from Mexico... a few from Sweden... 5 Common Mistakes Aspiring Travel Photographers Make. A photo a day.