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Academic reference management software for researchers | Mendele. Alternatives to Windows, Mac, Linux and online software - Altern. 10 of the most popular (and useful) Wordpress plugins | Royal Pi. WordPress has risen to be a powerhouse on the Internet that now dominates the blogosphere. It was started by the (now) 25-year-old Matt Mullenweg. Last week he was on This Week in Startups with Jason Calacanis.

On the show Matt revealed that WordPress has such a strong presence on the Internet that at least one in three Americans online have visited a WordPress blog in the last month. According to Alexa, the blogging service is the 19th busiest site in the world. Add to that the millions of self-hosted WordPress blogs out there based on the open source blogging software. A huge benefit of using a self-hosted WordPress blog instead of the free service is that a self-hosted WordPress blog lets you use the thousands of powerful plugins that complement and extend the platform in a variety of ways. I have scoured the WordPress Plugin Directory to find the very best plugins to share with you in this post. 1. Downloads: 378,168 2. Downloads: 131,032 3. 4. WORDPRESS GOD: 300+ Tools for Running Your WordPress Blog.

As one of the leading open source blogging platforms, WordPress has inspired hundreds (if not thousands) of plugins and tools to customize your blog. In this article, we've compiled a list of more than 300 of our favorites. This information is compiled from previous Mashable articles. If you enjoy this post, also see ONLINE MEDIA GOD and ONLINE PRODUCTIVITY GOD.

For the blogger AjaxWP - Adds AJAX to all aspects of your WordPress site, which speeds up the load times. Alexa Rank - Display your Alexa rank with pride. Ajax Comment Preview - Allows readers to preview their comment before submitting. asTunes - Retrieves data from your Audioscrobbler/ profile and posts it as a list on your blog. Codebox - Creates a side scrolling box for displaying code snippets. Crossroads - Adds thumbnails and comments from your Flickr account. FireStats - Full featured statistics including referrers and popular pages. Google PageRank - Allows you to display your Google Page Rank on your blog. For your readers. 10 Useful WordPress Coding Techniques - Smashing Magazine. Quick summary ↬ Since last year, the WordPress themes market has grown incredibly. The reason? Great designs, of course, but also a lot of amazing new functionality.

Top WordPress developers are always looking to get the most out of WordPress and use all of their knowledge to find ways to make their favorite blogging engine even more powerful. In this article, we have compiled ten useful WordPress code snippets, hacks and tips to help you create a WordPress theme that stands out from the crowd. 1. The problem. The solution. <? Code explanation. .hentry.sticky.category-tutorials.tag-wordpress With these CSS classes now added, you can now give a custom style to all posts that have the sticky tag or those that belong to the tutorials category. The other important piece of this code is id="post-<? Source: Take advantage of the new post class More after jump!

2. The problem. The solution. Code explanation. How to: Show related posts without a plug-in 3. The problem. The solution. Code explanation. Ressusciter vos textes perdus avec Lazarus pour Firefox. Vous avez certainement déjà connu ça au moins une fois : vous écrivez un article, un commentaire ou vous remplissez un formulaire et Firefox plante, vous faites une fausse manipulation et vous fermez la page, etc. Et bien sur, en revenant sur la page, vous avez tout perdu… Lazarus est un plugin pour Firefox qui enregistre vos frappes au clavier dans votre navigateur et qui permettra de les ressusciter si jamais vous avez un problème. Lazarus propose également un système de recherche et de récupération de données perdues même si la page web n’existe plus. Le plugin supporte différents types de formulaires : des éditeurs WYSIWYG aux formulaires HTML simples en passant par les formulaires Ajax.

Pour plus de sécurité, les données sont cryptées et un mot de passe peut être ajouté et vous avez en plus la possibilité d’activer ou de désactiver Lazarus pour certaines pages web. 5 Effective Ways to Deal With the “Too Many Tabs” Syndrome in Fi. Having tons of open tabs slows down Firefox. And as the tabs turn Firefox into an MB hungry monster, they also slow down your computer. Even if memory is not an issue, using Firefox with too many tabs just makes it tough to find anything. So what are your options? Just leave as is, discard the tabs, or move them to your helplessly unorganized bookmarks? Bad idea! Here are some strategies to help you manage your tabs. 1. The bookmarks toolbar is a great place to temporarily store information, for example, when you’re researching jobs or hotels for your next vacation. As you see, I use one letter abbreviations, so that the folder names don’t take up a lot of space. Another way to store links is using the Read It Later extension, which was reviewed by Mark and more recently by Abhijeet in Get The Awesome Read It Later Extension for Firefox 3. 2.

Rather than storing your project links in folders, you can manage them with the Session Manager extension. 3. This is an ingenious extension. 4. 5.