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Photos du journal - British Council Ukraine. Pinterest. English Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation Exercises for ESL Teachers and Students. CALL@Hull: English (TEFL/TESL) sites. Dictionaries Online dictionaries, grammar references, thesauri, and etymologies. Cambridge International Dictionaries Online. Search online Cambridge dictionaries of English, American English, Phrasal Verbs, and Idioms. Very useful. The DICT Development Group. Hyperdictionary (née The Exploding Dictionary). Geordie Dictionary. Hypertext Webster Gateway A searchable online version of the Webster English Dictionary. The Jargon Dictionary. KnowPlay Reference. Online English Grammar. Oxford Reference: English Dictionaries and Thesauruses. Roget's Thesaurus. Slang Dictionaries and Language Links. 20 Essential Business Dictionaries online. Wiktionary. Wordsmythe English Dictionary-Thesaurus. World Wide Words: exploring the English language. Directories Online directories of EFL products and courses. GlobalStudy's "English Programs Around the World".

EFL Teachers CactusTeachers. EFL/ESL Jobs in Japan. ELT News. ESL Employment. ESL Magazine. The 8 Digital Literacy Practices Required for 21st Century Learners. January 4, 2015 Theoretically speaking, digital literacy is a concept that is in constant flux. It is perpetually shifting and expanding to include new practices and skills afforded by new emerging technologies. In their excellent book "Understanding Digital Literacies: A Practical Introduction", authors Jones and Hafner provide a detailed analysis of what it means to be a digitally literate in the light of the social media revolution and the widespread of web 2.0 technologies.

As I was perusing it today, I came across this section in chapter one where the authors talk about the different digital literacy practices that are required to thrive in this digitally-focused era. Here is a quick overview of these practices: The ability to quickly search though and evaluate great masses of information. The ability to create coherent reading pathways through complex collections of linked texts. The ability to quickly make connections between widely disparate ideas and domains of experience. Venezuela Technology Integration 2015. 9 лучших сервисов для создания презентаций. Статья для портала «Деловая среда» | esPrezo. Создание презентаций – одна из наиболее распространенных задач в компаниях. Выступить на конференции, привлечь финансирование, защитить новый проект, сделать коммерческое предложение...без презентаций не обходится ни одно значимое действие.

Успех дела зависит не столько от идеи, которую вы представляете, сколько от презентации, которую вы готовите. В частности, огромную роль играет оболочка — дизайн презентации, визуальная коммуникация с аудиторией. В последнее время появляется множество новых программ для создания презентаций и существенно обновляются текущие в попытке ответить на изменения в формате бизнес-коммуникаций. Мы постарались собрать самый популярный софт в оригинальной статье на портале «Деловая среда», который поможет создавать презентации на все случаи жизни. MSPowerPoint Первым, конечно же, идет легендарный софт от Microsoft. Программа платная, для личного пользования самый оптимальный вариант купить Office 365 за 2499 руб в год. AppleKeynote Google Презентации Prezi Slides.

These Are The 16 Attributes of The Modern Educator. December 30, 2014 As teachers and educators, we are constantly required to review, evaluate and renew our teaching strategies to align them with the cultural, technological and pedagogical ethos of the era we are living in. In today's era, the digital component is at the foreground which obviously calls for a new mindset, a novel conceptual framework that views technology not as an end itself but solely a mean to an educational end. It is a truism that digitality has opened a new horizon of unprecedented learning opportunities and experiences but we can only tap into its full educational potential when we equip ourselves with the proper mindset: a growth and open mindset that as much as it adapts it also disrupts the century-old orthodoxies underlying teaching and learning practice.

Teaching is a dynamic concept which is constantly evolving and expanding and that is why teachers and educators are forever learners. 4 Steps for A Better Integration of Technology in Teaching. November 14, 2014 In an earlier post we shared here a few months ago, we talked about the differences between technology use and technology integration and we argued that integrating technology in instruction is a principled process that requires deep and reflective thinking about the whys behind such integration as well as the learning outcomes expected from such integration. The visual we have for you today will assist you to better integrate technology in your classroom projects. This visual, created by UBC Learning Commons, outlines the basic steps in the process of integrating technology in your class. The first step in this process is to identify the requirements of the project for which you want to use technology. Then comes the phase where you need to consider the skills you possess or planning to develop to carry out this digital task.

You can also watch this video to learn more about the aforementioned steps. Here is the visual from UBC Learning Commons. Nice Visual on The Ins and Outs of Professional Development. November 2, 2014 It seems like the practice of professional development within schools has witnessed some radical changes throughout the years. According to We Are Teachers, there are ten main areas that have been touched by this change. Starting with the choice of topics of PDs, in the past such topics were particularly chosen by the principal or school administrators on behalf of the teaching staff. However, today, teachers are more inclined to guide their own PD through concerted efforts in professional learning networks.

Also a comparison between the delivery style of PDs in the past with what it is now shows a considerable shift from expert-centred lecture style where teachers were mere listeners to hands-on workshops that view teachers as experts. Source of the visual: We Are Teachers. Digital Citizenship “Pathway” | ~ Mark's Musings ~ A Beautiful Visual on The 4 Ways Technology Is Changing The Ways We Learn. October 28, 2014 No two could argue over the drastic changes technology has brought upon our learning habits. Gradually, we are moving towards a whole new learning culture that lends itself to the ethos of digitality. Here is one personal example of how technology has changed one of my learning habits which is reading. Few years ago printed-based materials (books, newspapers, academic journal articles..etc) were the norm in my reading lists; however since I started using Kindle app three years ago most of my readings are done electronically.

I have a growing digital library of more than 300 non-fiction books and I hardly ever read a paper version. I find the features provided by these reading apps (in this example Kindle) way more practical and useful . I could easily highlight any section I want in a book, use integrated dictionary to explain any word with one click, add notes to passages and access them anywhere anytime. 21st Century Educator? You Must Know These Skills. Free Guides.

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