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Designing-in performance: A framework for evolutionary energy performance feedback in early stage design. Highlights Description of a multidisciplinary design optimization framework for concept design Identification of performance feedback criteria for early stage architectural design Description of a custom genetic algorithm for design and performance optimization Validation and measurement of an evolutionary optimization method for design Improvements for early stage design decision-making through an MDO framework Abstract Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) has been identified as a potential means for integrating design and energy performance domains but has not been fully explored for the specific demands of early stage architectural design.

Designing-in performance: A framework for evolutionary energy performance feedback in early stage design

Blurry paths. GREG LYNN FORM – Composites, Surfaces, and Software, 2011. Books « neil The style war continues. Patrik Schumacher, director of Zaha Hadid Architects and evangelist for Parametricism has released volume one of his magnum opus.

The style war continues

Steve Parnell gets stuck in The Autopoiesis of Architecture, by Patrik Schumacher. John Wiley & Sons, volume 1, Dec 2010, £29.99 In the deliberately provocative piece that Patrik Schumacher wrote for the AJ last year, ‘Let the style wars begin’ (AJ 06.05.10), he declared war. At least with words. The publication of such a huge volume by the polemicist behind one of Britain’s most successful practices would always demand attention and, as such, would have the potential to direct the course of architectural discourse for the 21st century. So what has Schumacher’s neologism got to do with that other titular neologism, autopoiesis? The term ‘autopoiesis’ has echoed around trendy units in architectural schools since the mid 1990s as a way of deliberating digital design, so the title of this book may suggest a generative theory for computational architecture.

Style and the Pretense of 'Parametric' Architecture. PROTO/E/CO/LOGICS/Day01 - Patrik Schumacher: Parametricism. Patrik Schumacher, "Parametric Order—21st Century Architectural Order" The Autopoiesis of Architecture dissected, discussed and decoded. 4 March 2011 | By Peter Buchanan In the autopoiesis of architecture, Patrik Schumacher introduces a new unifying theory of architecture.

The Autopoiesis of Architecture dissected, discussed and decoded

Peter Buchanan decodes, dissects and weighs up Schumacher’s arguments Architectural criticism, culture and campaigning - join the global architectural community - subscribe today. You’ll get instant access to this article and 20,000 others like it. Access critical thinking for critical timesUnlimited inspiration, insight and intelligence across the full scope of architectural production.

A (belated) guide to the Autopoiesis of Architecture. About a year ago Patrik Schumacher's 'Autopoiesis of Architecture' was released.

A (belated) guide to the Autopoiesis of Architecture

I read it and reviewed it for Icon here. What I also started doing was writing a detailed review, with the rationale that a work so ambitious needed at least to be given a proper look. The problem is, however, that I never managed to finish the bloody thing, being a) just a mere mortal, not a Herculean near-god like Patrik, and b) really bloody busy.

That said, I've been getting a bit cagey about the general criticism that Schumacher gets from people who haven't read the book - I mean, they may well be right about it, but at the same time it's not a firm foundation for criticism. With this in mind, I went and had a look at the thing I had started writing, and realised that I had basically stopped after the exposition, which was more or less complete. So I've decided to post up what I had completed by the 9th February 2011. Patrik Schumacher has written a book.