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/trunk/system/plugins/doctrine/Doctrine/ - ci-doctrine-enhanced - Version of the Doctrine for CodeIgniter 1.0 plugin by Nicholas Husher which conforms to the CodeIgniter stucture. It also features a controller to aide you in the generation of the data mod. Migration.php - ci-doctrine-enhanced - Version of the Doctrine for CodeIgniter 1.0 plugin by Nicholas Husher which conforms to the CodeIgniter stucture. It also features a controller to aide you in the generation of the data model. - Google Project Hostin. Chapter 7 - Migrations (1_2. A common problem in web development is how to manage changes to your database as your models evolve and schema changes.

The migrations support in Doctrine provides an efficient solution to this problem. sfDoctrinePlugin implements some additional tasks for generating migration classes both from existing databases and models. You can also use Doctrine to generate your blank skeleton migration classes. Available Migration Tasks :generate-migration Generate migration class (doctrine-generate-migration) :generate-migrations-db Generate migration classes from existing database connections (doctrine-generate-migrations-db, doctrine-gen-migrations-from-db) :generate-migrations-models Generate migration classes from an existing set of models (doctrine-generate-migrations-models, doctrine-gen-migrations-from-models) :migrate Migrates database to current/specified version (doctrine-migrate) The examples in this chapter assume you are working with the following schema and data fixtures.

From Database.


Cake PHP. Pagination. CodeIgniter + Doctrine.