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The Bias Against Creatives as Leaders. Two candidates are being interviewed for a leadership position in your company. Both have strong resumes, but while one seems to be bursting with new and daring ideas, the other comes across as decidedly less creative (though clearly still a smart cookie). Who gets the job? The answer, unfortunately, is usually the less creative candidate. This fact may or may not surprise you – you yourself may have been the creative candidate who got the shaft. But what you’re probably wondering is, why? After all, it’s quite clear who should be getting the job. And yet, according to recent research there is good reason to believe that the people with the most creativity aren’t given the opportunity to lead, because of a process that occurs (on a completely unconscious level) in the mind of everyone who has ever evaluated an applicant for a leadership position.

Creativity is associated with nonconformity, unorthodoxy, and unconventionality. Be armed with evidence of your leadership abilities.


MBA. World Digital Library Home. 5 Gender Stereotypes That Used To Be the Exact Opposite. The hardest stereotypes to break are the ones that are so old as to go all the way back to hunter-gatherer days.

5 Gender Stereotypes That Used To Be the Exact Opposite

After all, how can you argue with biology? Women carry the babies, men have the upper body strength to tackle gazelles. Nobody made that up out of thin air. But if society has taught us one thing, it's that it becomes way too easy to attach amendments to that bill, claiming that all sexual and gender stereotypes date back to the early days of human evolution. Of course, in reality ... #5. For most families, finding out the gender of their baby early on is crucial, since everyone needs to know what color of clothes and toys to get them -- pink or blue? Getty"Margaret, you get little Steve out of that outfit this instant. " If it's a girl, don't forget to paint the room pink and get pink curtains.

But at One Time ... If it's starting to seem pretty arbitrary, that's because it totally is. "Don't worry, Junior, dogs are your friends! " This goes beyond colors, too, by the way. . #4. The animated guide to Polish success. 11 Interesting Facts About Warren Buffet. 11 Interesting Facts About Warren Buffet January 18, 2012 | 23 Comments » | Topics: Uncategorized 1.

11 Interesting Facts About Warren Buffet

He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late! 2. He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. . * Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself. * Money doesn’t create man it is the man who created the money. * Live your life as simply as you can. * Don’t do what others say, listen to them, but then do what you feel is the right thing to do. * Don’t buy brand names; instead just wear those things in that make you feel comfortable. * Don’t waste your money on unnecessary things; rather spend it on those who are really in need. * It’s your life so why allow others to rule our life.

Comments. Conan O'Brien.