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Metro arquitetos stacks suburban LP house in são paulo. Feb 18, 2015 metro arquitetos stacks suburban LP house in são paulo metro arquitetos stacks suburban LP house in são paulo image © leonardo finotti all images courtesy of metro arquitetos associados in a suburban region of são paulo, brazilian practice metro arquitetos associados has completed a residential dwelling consisting of two stacked volumes. the majority of the scheme’s program is found within a ground floor that stretches across the width of the plot, containing both living and sleeping accommodation. above, the partially cantilevered second storey houses an office that overlooks the enclosed garden at the rear of the site. the house is located in a suburban region of são paulo image © leonardo finotti the building is constructed from reinforced concrete, with enclosures made from concrete, glass and wood. a narrow gap between the floor beam and the roof slab accentuates the idea of two independent volumes, united by an external stairway positioned outside the property.

metro arquitetos stacks suburban LP house in são paulo

Móveis sustentáveis para crianças feitos com papelão. Aprenda a fazer o seu! 7 Creative Upcycled Shipping Container Homes - Homeli. Container Guest House in San Antonio by Poteet Architects This home stays truest to the standard shipping container format of all the projects featured in this list so I figured it would be a great starting point.

7 Creative Upcycled Shipping Container Homes - Homeli

It retains the box shape and the brightly painted corrugated metal exterior instead opting for spray foam and bamboo plywood inside to keep it insulated as well as a living green roof on top which also has great insulative properties. A lot of the walls have been removed to be replaced by windows and this small Container Guest Home in San Antonio doesn’t feel claustrophobic inside at all. Mobile Dwelling Unit (MDU) by LOT-EK The MDU (Mobile Dwelling Unit) was developed as more of a concept portable home and due to the complex moving parts I don’t think it could be made as a low cost housing solution like the other shipping container houses featured here. Containers of Hope in San Jose by Benjamin Garcia Saxe.

Jardins de Entrada. Reportagem de Marisa Vieira da Costa Produção de Maria Regina Notolini.

Jardins de Entrada

Velhas garrafas e novos artesanatos. Fizemos uma rodada de pizzas aqui em casa, e no dia seguinte só tinham sobrado garrafas de vinho para descartar.

Velhas garrafas e novos artesanatos

Velhas garrafas geram coceiras nos reciclólogos de plantão e eu senti ímpetos de guardar. Para nós que sofremos com esse vírus é sempre bom conferir novos passo-a-passo de artesanato, afinal reciclar é bom, mas acumular lixo em casa já é outra história. Se você guardou garrafas coloridas, com formatos diferentes e tamanhos fora do padrão, tenho certeza que vai se inspirar em alguma dessas sugestões. O importante é usar logo o que você pretende reaproveitar e descartar corretamente o que ficou fora do projeto. Com certeza um catador fará melhor uso, afinal garrafas estarão sempre aparecendo. Como fazer um abajur com garrafa de vidro. Decorar a casa pode ser uma tarefa bem divertida.

Como fazer um abajur com garrafa de vidro

Não há nada como poder escolher cada detalhe e deixar a casa bem personalizada. Se você puder confeccionar objetos essa tarefa se torna ainda mais legal. Um objeto que dá um charme a mais para qualquer decoração é o abajur e hoje nós trouxemos um bem simples que você mesmo pode fazer. Architectural Marketing @ Pixelflakes. Pimp 3D Architectural Renderings with Photoshop »

Pool Rendering: Workflow Videos. While these videos aren’t full on tutorials, they still walk through the my work flow of creating this illustration.

Pool Rendering: Workflow Videos

As you will see, 90% of my time was spent in Photoshop. Part 1 looks at applying textures. I used the Sketchup model rendered with Kerkythea as a base image. The Kerkythea rendering probably took about an hour to set up and 20 minutes to rendering. The entire rendering from beginning to end including Photoshop post processing took about 6 hours to create. The illustration was created for Paul Lukez Architecture and represents an interior view of the Jindu Pavilion. Part II looks at the pool waves and reflections, as well the full creation of a reflective surface such as the copper ceiling with only Photoshop. Finally, part III uses some techniques to add warmth and drama to the image. The final rendering. All Tutorials. 12 Postwork Style Architectural Visualization Tutorials. I’ve written an article for 3D World Magazine that takes a look over the arch-viz field trying to define our workflows, styles and technologies we use in our daily work.

12 Postwork Style Architectural Visualization Tutorials

You can find this article in the latest 3D World Magazine, April 2013 Issue, but since I run into the “Print World Wall” and couldn’t get in all the examples I had in mind, I decided to follow-up on the article by showcasing more examples that I like – Starting with the Postwork Style Workflow… Enjoy this roundup!

The common thing to all works being showcased here is that they usually start looking similar to this… And end up looking remarkable like you see below, thanks to lots of Photoshop work! Here we go… 1. By Plankton Group Great work done here starting form a basic SketchUP model, relying heavily on the use of Photoshop in achieving the final result. 2. By Jean-Marc Emy 3. By Beauty and The Bit 4. By renderare 5. By Nicolas Richelet 6. Photoshop Tutorial; Making Black Backgrounds solid Black #40.

Box House casas de baixo custo chama a atenção de quem passa pelo bairro de Brasilândia Projeto: Yuri Vital. O conjunto residencial Box House, do arquiteto Yuri Vital, chama a atenção de quem passa pelo bairro de Brasilândia, na zona norte de São Paulo.

Box House casas de baixo custo chama a atenção de quem passa pelo bairro de Brasilândia Projeto: Yuri Vital

As 17 casas do empreendimento de baixo custo parecem caixas bem estruturadas, com 47 m² cada uma. Ocupação urbana de áreas alagáveis. Roberto Guglielmo - workshop de técnicas de estúdio. Roberto Guglielmo - workshop de técnicas de estúdio. Tutorial Foco Filmes - Iluminadores parte 01 de 3. Curso Iluminação de Estúdio - Tv Photoshop. Tutorial photoshop - Iluminação e cores. Curso de Photoshop CC #21 LEVELS (Níveis) - Ajuste profissional de Luz e Brilho no Photoshop. Tratamento de Imagem (Luz e Sombra) - Tutorial de PhotoShop. Removendo fundo dificil com Photoshop CS6 sem Plugin - AULA 1 HD. Blog de Arte, Design, Criatividade e Inspiração. 2193EmailShare Alexander Koshelkov é um especialista em foto manipulação.

Blog de Arte, Design, Criatividade e Inspiração

Esse talentoso artista tem 9 anos de experiência em gráficos e design web. Porém, ele passa seu tempo criando cenários surreais com incríveis manipulações fotográficas. Dramatic Portrait Manipulation - Photoshop Tutorial. Cinematic Color Grading (Movie Looke Effect) - Photoshop Tutorial. Retouch a Moody and Cinematic Portrait with Photoshop. Tutorial: How to make a dramatic portrait easily in Photoshop (Slovak subtitles) How to Make a Dramatic Ray of Light - Photoshop Tutorial by Steven Chu Photoworks. How to Create a Caricature From a Photo. Tutorial Adobe Photoshop CS6 - Effect Dragan. 10 Minute Cinematic Drama with Photoshop. Png Bird by Moonglowlilly on DeviantArt. Create a Fantasy Manipulation With Light Effects in Photoshop.

Create a Fantasy Manipulation With Light Effects in Photoshop. How to Create Facial Hair in Photoshop. Immortal (#Photoshop CC) Immortal (#Photoshop CC)