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X-ray shots of nature by Dutch physicist Arie van't Riet. Dutch physicist-artist Arie van’t Riet takes us on an in depth – very much the understatement – look at the beauty of nature, both inside and out. An expert on radiation physics, Van’t Riet first attempted X-ray paintings when a colleague asked him to shoot a painting. When that worked out fine, that led him to X-raying more subjects, like plants and animals. He’s continued shooting different subjects in X-ray, then digitizing and colouring the black & white images in Photoshop. The final product, he fondly calls, ‘Bioramas’. Not to worry, the organisms in the bioramas were not affected by the radiation, as most were already dead to begin with.

‘Looking with X-ray eyes to nature. Via One Green Planet. Anatomical photomontages. Unworldly photography by Michal Karcz. Unlikely hybrid animals. Pixels and Polaroids. Ghosts of War: a haunting photo series by Jo Wedwig Teeuwisse. Portfolio 2. Surreal black-and-white photography by Chema Madoz. Photographer Erik Johansson. Intriguing guinea pig crossovers. Have you ever wondered what your favorite animals would look like if they were combined with a guinea pig? No, you say? Well, now you get to find out anyway. You should really start being more curious about these sorts of things. Hat tip to Redditor gyyp for the fine Photoshop work. See if you can spot the Guinea Bee!