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21st Century Breaks: Hip Hop's New Source Of Soul Samples. Twitter et le droit d’auteur : vers un copyright 2.0. L’usage du service de micro-blogging Twitter se développe en bibliothèque (voir ici, là ou là).

Twitter et le droit d’auteur : vers un copyright 2.0

Le pire du Copyright Madness 2013 : une année de propriété intellectuelle en délire ! Shia Labeouf Brilliantly Parodies Intellectual Property With Plagiarized Apologies And Defense Of Plagiarism. I'll admit that, other than knowing his name and that he was a Hollywood actor in some big budget films, I didn't know very much at all about Shia LaBeouf.

Shia Labeouf Brilliantly Parodies Intellectual Property With Plagiarized Apologies And Defense Of Plagiarism

However, apparently he's been facing some "controversy" over a few different examples of plagiarism in his work, with the "biggest" being plagiarizing a cartoon by Daniel Clowes called Justin M. Damiano with the short film Others also pointed out that, in a comic book created by LaBeouf, he apparently plagiarized a bunch of others, including Kurt Vonnegut and Charles Bukowski (if you're going to plagiarize, plagiarize from the best, apparently). What Could Have Entered the Public Domain on January 1, 2014? Under the law that existed until 1978 . . .

What Could Have Entered the Public Domain on January 1, 2014?

Works from 1957 The books On the Road, Atlas Shrugged, and The Cat in the Hat, the films The Bridge on the River Kwai, Funny Face, and The Prince and the Showgirl, the play Endgame (“Fin de Partie”), and more. . . Congress Shrugged Current US law extends copyright for 70 years after the date of the author’s death, and corporate “works-for-hire” are copyrighted for 95 years after publication. What Could Have Entered the Public Domain on January 1, 2014?

Under the law that existed until 1978 . . .

What Could Have Entered the Public Domain on January 1, 2014?

Works from 1957 The books On the Road, Atlas Shrugged, and The Cat in the Hat, the films The Bridge on the River Kwai, Funny Face, and The Prince and the Showgirl, the play Endgame (“Fin de Partie”), and more. . . Congress Shrugged Current US law extends copyright for 70 years after the date of the author’s death, and corporate “works-for-hire” are copyrighted for 95 years after publication. Elsevier:Removing Papers from Since 2013. So, Elsevier pulled kind of a jerk move.

Elsevier:Removing Papers from Since 2013

And probably a move that’s not great for PR. As it turns out, publishing giant Elsevier is taking down copyrighted papers from Ivre, le Forum d’Avignon veut écrire une déclaration des droits et pond une déclaration de guerre… Je ne pensais pas un jour être amené à utiliser la fameuse formule "Ivre virgule" au début du titre d’un billet sur S.I.lex, mais il s’est produit une telle ÉNORMITÉ ce week-end lors du dernier Forum d’Avignon que je n’avais plus tellement le choix…

Ivre, le Forum d’Avignon veut écrire une déclaration des droits et pond une déclaration de guerre…

Conan Doyle Estate: Denying Sherlock Holmes Copyright Gives Him 'Multiple Personalities' "Elementary" The estate of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has finally answered a lawsuit brought by Leslie Klinger, an author, editor and Sherlock Holmes expert who is attempting to demonstrate that the copyright has expired on major story elements of the famous detective.

Conan Doyle Estate: Denying Sherlock Holmes Copyright Gives Him 'Multiple Personalities'

Klinger sued in February and wants an order that enjoins the Doyle estate from further asserting certain rights. Throughout the years, there have been many versions of Sherlock Holmes, including Warner Bros.' two recent films starring Robert Downey Jr. and CBS' Elementary, which gives a modern take on the character. Klinger worked on the book, In the Company of Sherlock Holmes, and, in the course of doing so, was contacted by agents for the Doyle estate who asserted a license was needed. Memes in advertising: a copyright mess. Memes are, without a doubt, the greatest thing about the internet.

Memes in advertising: a copyright mess

There is an entire sub-culture of the English speaking world that exists around memes. This is a subculture that advertisers want to tap into and exploit to maximum effect. Journalists hit with criminal complaint for publishing name of pirate site. It's no secret that publishers and other copyright holders have been doing all they can to combat peer-to-peer sharing online.

Journalists hit with criminal complaint for publishing name of pirate site

They've gone after the consumers and hosts who engage in online piracy. But recently, a group of German publishers tried to extend the definition of copyright infringement to an unheard of level, taking steps to criminally prosecute two separate periodicals that mentioned the name of a pirate site in a recent article. But the case didn't exactly work out. France : interdire la vente d'occasion des bien culturels numériques. RIAA Wants Infamous File-Sharer to Campaign Against Piracy. Jammie Thomas-Rasset testifies in her first civil trial in 2007, while U.S.

RIAA Wants Infamous File-Sharer to Campaign Against Piracy

District Judge Michael Davis watches from the bench. Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues. 4 Music Law Myths That Indie Musicians Need To Unlearn. By Mita Carriman Esq. ( @nymusiclawyer ), NYC entertainment lawyer at Carriman Law Group and band manager. As an entertainment attorney who was once an indie artist myself involved in a few different artistic disciplines, I know that the bridge between law and art doesn't always seem straightforward.

There's certainly a lot of gray area, which could lead a person to probably think that the law would be one way, when it isn't. Fight For Your (Copy) Right: Some Thoughts on World Intellectual Property Day. (post authored by Communications Associate Kevin Erickson and Communications Intern Olivia Brown) Today is World Intellectual Property Day, an annual celebration of the role intellectual property plays in encouraging innovation and creativity. We encourage you to check out one of the many events happening all over the globe. Debates around IP issues have become extremely polarized in recent years, and often, it seems the choices presented are copyright maximalism on one hand and copyright abolitionism on the other. Fight For Your (Copy) Right: Some Thoughts on World Intellectual Property Day. Bizarre Tribe: Access Denied » Bizarre Tribe: Access Denied (An Open Letter to Sony) Dear Sony Music, Thanks for reaching out. The fact that our small independent label warranted the resources of your legal team speaks to our work ethic and we appreciate the validation.

Bizarre Tribe: Access Denied » Bizarre Tribe: Access Denied (An Open Letter to Sony) Copyright in the Digital Era: Building Evidence for Policy. Over the course of several decades, copyright protection has been expanded and extended through legislative changes occasioned by national and international developments. The content and technology industries affected by copyright and its exceptions, and in some cases balancing the two, have become increasingly important as sources of economic growth, relatively high-paying jobs, and exports. Since the expansion of digital technology in the mid-1990s, they have undergone a technological revolution that has disrupted long-established modes of creating, distributing, and using works ranging from literature and news to film and music to scientific publications and computer software. Copyright in the Digital Era: Building Evidence for Policy examines a range of questions regarding copyright policy by using a variety of methods, such as case studies, international and sectoral comparisons, and experiments and surveys.

Universal a les pleins pouvoirs de censure sur YouTube. Le mois dernier, le Conseil National du Numérique (CNNum) expliquait que certains acteurs devenus incontournables sur Internet avaient un tel poids que leur usage "relève presque du service public". Cette remarque en apparence anodine, en marge d'un rapport sur la neutralité du net, est lourde de sens. Elle implique que certains services privés ont une responsabilité sociétale qui dépasse leur propre liberté, notamment contractuelle. Belgian Chocolate Makers Seek Copyright Protection From Rivals. By Philip Blenkinsop BRUSSELS, March 27 (Reuters) - Belgian chocolate makers believe their renowned pralines should have similar protection to that enjoyed by French champagne or Italy's Parma ham. They want the term "Belgian chocolate" to be their exclusive preserve and also want to crack down on foreign rivals dressing up their products as "Belgian style" or of a "Belgian recipe".

Copycats, they say, eat into sales and undermine a stamp of quality built up over the century since Jean Neuhaus invented the hard-shelled, cream-filled chocolate, the praline, in 1912. M6 copie sans autorisation, et elle a raison. Juridiquement. Baauer’s ‘Harlem Shake’ Hits No. 1 With Unlicensed Samples. Baauer’s ‘Harlem Shake’ Hits No. 1 With Unlicensed Samples. Prince George’s considers copyright policy that takes ownership of students’ work. “There is something inherently wrong with that,” David Cahn, an education activist who regularly attends county school board meetings, said before the board’s vote to consider the policy. “There are better ways to do this than to take away a person’s rights.” If the policy is approved, the county would become the only jurisdiction in the Washington region where the school board assumes ownership of work done by the school system’s staff and students.

Levée de boucliers contre les accords de numérisation conclus par la BNF. A la suite d’un « appel à partenariats » lancé le 6 juillet 2011 dans le cadre des investissements d’avenir, la Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) a annoncé le 15 janvier avoir conclu deux partenariats public-privé pour la numérisation et la diffusion d’une partie de ses collections. Deux contrats négociés par la filiale de la BnF, « BnF-Partenariats », créée en 2012 pour nouer des alliances avec des acteurs privés sur des projets de numérisation et de diffusion de ses fonds. Le milliard ? It’s the parody, stupid! Gangnam Style ! Vous n »y avez pas échappé, et vous n »échapperez pas aux célébrations païennes du milliard de vues, dont on espère seulement qu »elles ne seront pas éclipsées par celles de la fin du monde. DMCA Nonsense: Your Default Login Page Is A Ripoff Of Our Default Login Page!

NOT-OD-12-160: Upcoming Changes to Public Access Policy Reporting Requirements and Related NIH Efforts to Enhance Compliance. Upcoming Changes to Public Access Policy Reporting Requirements and Related NIH Efforts to Enhance Compliance. Morandini condamné à verser 50 000 euros au "Point" Parce que l'information sur Internet a pris des allures de Far West, parce qu'elle oblige les titres de presse à d'importants efforts financiers, parce qu'elle ne peut être une zone de non-droit où prospèrent les parasites, Le Point a fait condamner Jean-Marc Morandini pour concurrence déloyale. La cour d'appel de Paris, dans un arrêt du 9 novembre 2012 qui fera jurisprudence, nous a attribué forfaitairement la somme de 50 000 euros à titre de dommages et intérêts. Une somme suffisamment importante pour que cesse le pillage quasi systématique des informations que la rédaction du Point publie dans sa version hebdomadaire et sur son site internet.

Depuis la création de la rubrique Média 2.0 par Le en 2006, Jean-Marc Morandini se servait sans vergogne dans nos informations pour les reprendre, parfois intégralement, sur son site internet, alimentant ainsi à peu de frais son petit business. Benn Jordan » The Digital Music Industry Is Inept. It’s Time To Debunk The Myth That Copyright Is Needed To Make Money – Or That It Even Makes Money. Le secret démasqué de Gangnam Style. Pas de numérique en héritage. MP3, ebooks... on a vérifié, ils ne vous appartiennent pas. Dracula vs. Nosferatu: A True Copyright Horror Story. Droits d’auteur sur les zombies. Suède: Fifi Brindacier échappe à une campagne de boycottage - News Monde: Faits divers.

Mais pour qui sont ces DRMs ? La carte des lobbyistes du numérique. Les propos de Filippetti sur la Hadopi créent des tensions avec la filière musicale. Mission Lescure impossible. Une culture, mais à titre exceptionnel. La Lex Google pour les nuls. Taxe sur le clic ! La presse veut le beurre, et l'argent du beurre. Petits meurtres de liens entre amis : la presse, le ministère et Google News. Why Are Google DMCA Notices Skyrocketing? ‎