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Php Oop

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My Experience as a PHP Coder. I have been playing with MAX ever since, and love it.

My Experience as a PHP Coder

It had fun drag and drop features, and made incredible squeaky noises when you did something wrong. And instead of writing code, I was finally able to concentrate on the output, the process of creating what I wanted to achieve as a developer of music. Learning OOP in PHP ASAP! Object-Oriented PHP for Beginners. Object Oriented PHP Tutorial for Beginners - Preamble The hardest thing to learn (and teach btw,) in object oriented PHP is the basics.

Object Oriented PHP Tutorial for Beginners -

But once you understand them, the rest will come much, much easier. But don’t be discouraged! You just found the easiest to understand tutorial out there on OOP and PHP. It may sound like a boastful claim, I know, but that’s what the nerd zeitgeist is saying.