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FastStone Image Viewer, Screen Capture, Photo Resizer ... Strange Maps. Le Monde de Greyhawk. Sur les rives brumeuses de l’océan Dramidj, à l’extrémité de la grande route commerciale qui unit l’Orient et l’Occident le long de la Velverdyva et de la Tuflik, s’étend un pays fertile et verdoyant : le califat d’Ekbir. Ce pays, puissant et prospère, brandit très haut l’étendard de la Foi, de la Justice et du Courage. Les hommes d’Ekbir sont hantés par le souvenir d’un passé glorieux, tragiquement englouti dans l’horreur de la dévastation invoquée.

Cependant, sous la conduite d’Al’Akbar, la civilisation sut renaître avec éclat. Ekbir perpétue ainsi brillamment les anciennes traditions artistiques et magiques de l’empire baklunien, grâce notamment à l’une des plus puissantes organisations de magie du Monde, le Zashassar d’Ekbir, gardien des secrets de jadis. Mais c’est la Foi exaltée qui rythme aujourd’hui la vie du Califat. La page régionale d’Ekbir sur le site RPGA (Wizards of the Coast) Peter's Evil Overlord List. This Evil Overlord List is Copyright 1996-1997 by Peter Anspach. If you enjoy it, feel free to pass it along or post it anywhere, provided that (1) it is not altered in any way, and (2) this copyright notice is attached. This Evil Overlord List grew out of the exchanges on what is now the Star Trek mailing list "", beginning in 1994 (when it was still ""). We were kicking around cliches that appeared on "Deep Space 9" at the time, and I started to compile a list of classic blunders they were making.

The list came to about 20 or so items. In 1995, I decided to try to make it into a Top 100 List. I attached a copyright notice, some friends of mine posted it to a few newsgroups, and the contributions quickly poured in. On November 12, 2002, I exchanged some emails with Jack Butler who has a list on his website. Apparently both lists were compiled during overlapping periods of time. -- Peter Anspach and Back to the parody home page... Dark Roasted Blend.