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Éléments Chem (consultable) *** Полное собрание химии чит и справочные листы *** *** Вы можете искать теперь шпаргалок *** *** Изучить и проверить эту ссылку на ходу *** PHONE_STATE разрешения - необходимое режиме лицензию Google для идентификации телефона. Они рекомендуют нам разработчикам использовать его для обеспечения безопасности и предотвращения пиратства. Не используется ни для чего другого Структура Atom I+ Материи. Структура Atom II+ Изменения в состояние вещества. Структура Atom III+ Атомную структуру. Структура Atom IV+ Символ элементов. Химические формулы и уравнения+ Количество моль для твердых, жидких, газообразных, решения и количества частиц+ Химическая формула: катионов (положительных ионов). Периодическая таблица+ Реакция Группа 1 элементов.

Электрохимия+ Электролит: Ионизация Electrolite, Ионизация расплавленных соединений. Кислоты и основания+ Ионизация кислоты: соляная кислота, серная кислота, уксусная кислота. Соль+ Растворимость соли. Ставка или реакция+ Расчет скорости реакции. Quiz: les éléments chimiques. Pendant longtemps, on a cru que le monde n'existe que de quatre éléments: la terre, l'eau, l'air et le feu. Tout au long de l'histoire, il a été changé et plusieurs éléments ont été découverts.Dans quelle mesure vos connaissances sur les éléments chimiques. Avez-vous connu l'abréviation de l'oxygène ou de l'or? Qu'est-ce que vous savez déjà et où vos lacunes, vous montre ce quiz.

Le questionnaire contient tous les éléments connus et des informations sur leurs propriétés.Testez vos connaissances maintenant! Les caractéristiques du jeu:- Le jeu est divisé en 8 niveaux de difficulté.- Chaque niveau contient 15 questions.- Chaque question a quatre réponses possibles sont fournis.- Pour mauvaise réponse vous obtenez trois secondes pénalité.- Niveau supérieur ne peut être atteint que si le niveau inférieur a été joué moins de 45 secondes. autres fonctions- Enregistrement du temps personnel sur le leaderboard.- Vibration (On / Off).- Son (On / Off)- Temps (On / Off) Periodic Table. The best Mendeleev's periodic table on Google Play. A new way to learn chemistry.

Chemistry is the science of substances, their properties, structure and transformations that result from chemical reactions, as well as the laws that govern these transformations. All substances are composed of atoms, which are capable of forming molecules due to their chemical bonds. Chemistry mainly deals with these interactions at the atomic-molecular level, that is, at the level of chemical elements and their compounds. The periodic system of chemical elements (Mendeleev's periodic table) is a classification of chemical elements that establishes the dependence of various properties of elements on the charge of the atomic nucleus. The system is a graphic representation of the periodic law established by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869.

Our periodic table has a long-period form, which has been adopted worldwide by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) as the main one. Chemik - cool chemistry tool. ★Spiel&Spaß★ mit Handy♦Spicken&Nachschlagen♦ Die kostenlose PC -Version für Schüler und Chemiker nun für Android Auch im Playstore:Die Tablet-Version: ★AK Minilabor Tab★Neu: eine weitere Lern-App: ★AK Chemiebaukasten★ ★ Elemente - Quiz ★Übe unterwegs (oder in der Pause) die Namen und Symbole der chemischen Elemente. ★ Formeln & Namen ★bringt Systematik in die 'Benennung' chemischer Substanzen: Der Name ist auf zwei Walzen einstellbar. ★ Gleichungen ★Hier musst Du aus einem Reaktionsschema eine Reaktionsgleichung einrichten.

Mehrere Schwierigkeitsgrade ★ Mol&Co ★Die von der App gestellten Aufgaben sind fast im Kopf zu lösen. 4 Fragentypen: Formel->MolmasseStoffmenge<->MasseStoffmenge<->VolumenMasse<-> Volumen ★ Titrations - Trainer ★Ein MUSS für alle (angehenden) Chemiker - ein spannender Spaß für alle anderen. . ★ Chemie - Hangman ★Rate die verschiedensten chemischen Begriffe. Das AK MiniLabor bringt die Chemie spielerisch näher.Viele Programme der Kategorie Spicken, Nachschlagen und Rechnen: Chemické názvosloví. Swimming Relay calculates the best relay combination. The application is meant for swimmers, their coaches and swimming enthusiasts. The application calculates the combinations of possible relay teams from all the swimmers who are chosen to TEAM. The relay times are sorted from the fastest to the slowest – the results are shown on the tab RELAY – here you can find out which relay combination is the best.

The application has 4 tabs: It is used to set the calculation parameters, it contains the basic settings of relay characteristics, i.e. distance, style, gender, age, etc.It is possible to set the number of teams (A or A+B).By choosing “A+B team” there is an option to choose the calculating strategy. Here you can select the swimmers who are saved on the tab “SWIMMERS” and who will be used for the best relay team calculation. The best relay calculation results are shown on the tab “RELAY”.If there is no result on this tab, it is necessary to check the swimmers data on the tab “TEAM”.