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35 great InDesign tutorials for graphic designers. Adobe Creative Cloud's digital publishing platform InDesign has a ton of features which makes it essential for everything from brochure design to eye-catching posters; newsprint publications to screen printing.

35 great InDesign tutorials for graphic designers

How To Create Your First iPhone App (2012 Edition) Update: 01/10/2012: The original version of this article by Jen Gordon was published in August 2009.

How To Create Your First iPhone App (2012 Edition)

It was thoroughly revised and updated by the author in September 2012. — Editorial Team Since the iTunes App Store launched in 2008, over 500,000 apps have been approved by Apple, and thousands more app ideas are scrawled on napkins across the world every day. But question remains, how can a person with limited technical skills create an iPhone app? The good news is anyone can make an iPhone app, it’s just a matter of knowing the series of actions you need to take to make it happen.

Be sure to bookmark this article because it will serve as a guide for learning the process for creating your first iPhone app, going step by step from idea to the App Store. Object-oriented programming in ActionScript. XML Music Player. By Blue_Chi | Flash CS3 | ActionScript 3.0 | Intermediate | Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 In the final section of our tutorial we add one final feature and will fix any bugs that might pop up if you decide to make some small variations to the player, we will also polish the code and optimize it.

XML Music Player

Here is the outline of this section: Adding a feature for continuous playback. Fixing possible bugs. Parsing XML using SimpleXML. Parsing XML Data with PHP's SimpleXML Extensible Markup Language (XML) has become the number one format for disparate systems to communicate.

Parsing XML using SimpleXML

Its most common applications are probably the Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds embraced by the blogging community - including :) One of the most significant changes made to PHP5 is the way it handles XML data. A few seamless set of XML parsing tools have been integrated directly into the language itself. Sql - Saving form data to an existing XML-file using PHP. 9 Final Cut Pro 7 tutorials in 40 minutes. Using Video in Flash. AS3 101: OOP Inheritance, Setters & Getters – Basix. Object-oriented programming in ActionScript. Classes and MovieClips, Page 1.

By kirupa | 28 May 2007 In Flash CS3, you have support for creating ActionScript 3.0 (AS3) projects.

Classes and MovieClips, Page 1

A Guide To iOS SDK For Web Designers. Install PHP - Install MySQL - Install PHP & MySQL. Drokk: Music inspired by Mega-City One. Beginners PHP Tutorials. Home. How to Photograph Abandoned Places. Build A Personal Brand You Can Be Proud Of. The Ultimate Guide To Building A Personal Website. This guide was originally published in March 2012.

The Ultimate Guide To Building A Personal Website

Since then, hundreds of students (and even non-students!) Have created their own personal websites using it. My Impossible List. I think I’ve had a plain old bucket list in the form of a Facebook Note ever since I was in high school.

My Impossible List

However, I never got around to anything on the list – all those things were events I figured would happen in the future – meaning some undefined time that didn’t implore me to take action now. To fix that, I’ve created my impossible list. I got the idea from Joel Runyon, who created the world’s first impossible list and defined the difference between it and a regular ‘ole bucket list. Put simply, the impossible list is an ever-evolving list of experiences that build upon each other, help others as well as yourself, and implore you to take action. This is mine, which is, of course, ever-evolving. After Effects Tutorials, Plug-ins and Stock Footage for Post Production Professionals. Part 1: Create a beautiful contact form from scratch using Photoshop, HTML, and CSS. Contact, contact form, contact form design, contact form from scratch, contact form photoshop, contact form tutorial, create a contact form, css web form, design form., photoshop contact form, web form.

Part 1: Create a beautiful contact form from scratch using Photoshop, HTML, and CSS

Limerick Institute of Technology: Login to the site. How to Write a Web Design Proposal. You became a web designer to create great web sites and applications.

How to Write a Web Design Proposal

The plan didn’t include dealing with slow paying clients or spending countless hours trying to find work. It also didn’t include having to write proposals after you find prospective clients. Unfortunately, this is what you face every day. This is the reality of the situation. How does the Internet work? To help you understand how the Internet works, we'll look at the things that happen when you do a typical Internet operation — pointing a browser at the front page of this document at its home on the Web at the Linux Documentation Project.

How does the Internet work?

This document is which means it lives in the file HOWTO/Unix-and-Internet-Fundamentals-HOWTO/index.html under the World Wide Web export directory of the host 12.1. Names and locations The first thing your browser has to do is to establish a network connection to the machine where the document lives. To do this, your browser queries a program called a name server.