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Accueil. ~ Channeling from Sirius ( channeled trough Mette Garvik) ~ | Wellthy Choices Network. ~ Channeling from Sirius ( channeled trough Mette Garvik) ~ Greetings the inhabitants of the planet Earth.We velcome you into the Galactic Federation . Its now close to the time that we will show our appereance . Lies have been told you by your goverments , and those lies have made you all very afraid . We assure you that our intentions are pure and that we seek no more than a cooperation with the inhabitants and their goverments .

We come in Peace , so be prepared , and tune us into your hearts . Because your hearts knows whats is true or false . Thats why its so important that you now use your HEART. But now is the time for change , and this will no longer be your reality . With all our love and respect, we are all ONE united in unity ♥ Tags: its so important that you now use your HEART.~ Channeling from Sirius ( channeled trough Mette Garvik) ~ Author Description Health coach since 1968. Channeling | Surfin the Light. CLICK HERE for Radio Show and Free Download!

What is Channeling? Channeling is a process of communication from a non-physical Entity that expresses itself through a human individual. The process of channeling involves a Spirit Entity working through a human vehicle who has qualities about his/her energy that will allow the Spirit Entity to blend into it. When the blended energies mutually engage, it creates communication that can be brought from the Spiritual Realm to the physical world. If you are wondering, questioning, feeling stuck somewhere in your progress, needing a deeper understanding or clearing Energies that no longer serve you in your life, a channeling session can be of great value and assistance offering new activation and hope in moving forward. There are various methods of channeling, such as direct voice (the type of channeling I do), in which the Spirit Entity speaks directly through the channeler’s voice-box.

Hear The Partners speak on Worthiness and Contribution. Channeling for Change | Channeling for Change “When we tune in, tap in and turn on, we begin the process of channeling our selves to the highest frequency of All That Is. That is when the true miracles begin to happen. That is where the culmination of dedication, personal practice and a commitment to Self and helping others begins to reveal itself to you. That is when we begin to change the world by changing the vibrational frequency of how we individually live, work, play and exist within it.” -Pheonyx Join us as we collectively embark upon a musical journey through guided sights and sounds to assist one in ascending personal everyday limited beliefs and energetic blockages to living fully and freely with joy and confidence. Take the journey to places both within the heart and beyond the thinking-mind into the space that permeates All things. “Yoga” means to yoke.

Discover the essence of your Higher Self. What is Abundance? The Ego… What is it? Having trouble meditating? The OCG Project 365+: One World. Spirit Science 3 ~ Channeling. Welcome to the Revised Channeling episode! We’ve doubled the length of the video to express even more ideas about what channeling is and how it works, and the different ways that it can appear and manifest. Channeling from my understanding is a way to describe how we communicate with each other, and other species of life. It’s also popularly known as a way to tune in and “channel” a higher awareness than we normally wouldn’t have.

An example from the video is channeling your pets, which is basically a way for you to create a conscious communication with your animal friend. You’re essentially tuning in on an emotional, and thought based frequency to understand what your animal friend wants and feels. In regards of Channeling greater and higher forms of consciousness, I’ve actually come to a realization about this in my own life which I would love to share with you. I think one of the biggest practices we can really do is learn to “channel” each other. With love, Jordan Links and Sources Kryon. Com - Les crânes de cristal. Vous cherchez à connaître les origines de ce réceptacle que vous appelez "le crâne de cristal"...

Je vous dirai qu'il a été façonné il y a de nombreux milliers d'années par des êtres d'une intelligence supérieure... Il a été formé par une civilisation qui a précédé ceux que vous appelez les "Mayas". Â de nombreux égards notre niveau de civilisation était, "à l'époque" comme vous dites, très en avance sur celle que vous avez aujourd'hui... Ce réceptacle contient les esprits de beaucoup et les esprits d'un seul... Il n'a pas été fait par des moyens que voue appelez "matériels". Il a été moulé dans sa forme présente par la pensée. Les pensées et la connaissance sont cristallisées dans ce réceptacle... Nous avons placé une forme de pensée en langage pur dans ce crâne... Une grand part du monde que nous avons créé, nous l'avons créé avec l'esprit.

Ce réceptacle a été cristallisé parce que vous, dans la troisième dimension, vous avez besoin de voir, d'entendre et de toucher...