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Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom. If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These PagesIf you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. Home | Articles | Lessons | Techniques | Questions | Games | Jokes | Things for Teachers | Links | Activities for ESL Students Would you like to help? If you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. If you would like to suggest another topic, please send it and a set of questions to begin the topic. Copyright © 1997-2010 by The Internet TESL Journal Pages from this site should not be put online elsewhere.Permission is not required to link directly to any page on our site as long as you do not trap the page inside a frame.

A few discussion activities for English language students. What discussion activities work in class?

A few discussion activities for English language students

Tekhnologic, winner of the British Council’s Teaching English blog award for a post on setting discussion goals, shares a few ideas. A discussion can bring out your students’ interests and motivate them; it’s a chance for them to talk about the things they really care about. Giving and justifying opinions in English can also bring students a sense of accomplishment, as they are using the language to express complex ideas. Discussion activities encourage critical thinking, and are therefore excellent preparation for speaking tests, such as IELTS or TOEFL, which partly examine the ability to express and justify opinions in English. Perhaps most importantly, discussion activities can be great fun for students. Preparing for discussion classes The first thing you need to be aware of is the language ability of your students and how much they know about the topic under discussion. Roundtrip spirituality. Jewish descent on the rise: Michael Schudrich at TEDxWarsaw.

What makes a “good Jew”? In his TED talk, the avuncular Kwame Anthony Appiah points to an atheist Rabbi for the perfect example of how you don’t need faith to have religion.

What makes a “good Jew”?

There is, he says, “no ‘thing’ called religion.” The range of things we call “religion” is so broad that many of them have very little in common. Appiah’s ideas deliver an identity crisis. They might make you question how you’ve spent your life contrasting your own religion and beliefs, or lack thereof, to others’. As an occasionally practicing, atheistic Jew, I’m familiar with identity crises. Ask around and I can guarantee no two Jews will give the exact same answer. Is he a good Jew? He’s descended from a famous scholar. He went to summer camp. He has plans to become a writer. He doesn’t want too much success. He knows Jewish law. He isn’t a perfect Jew. When he’s with a lot of good Jews, he seems uncomfortable. Sometimes he thinks he has too many obligations to too many forefathers.

Mothers are always right. World Cup Soccer. Woman: Hey.

World Cup Soccer

Have you been watching any of the World Cup soccer matches? Man: Well, I was watching until my favorite team was bounced out of the first round of play. I mean, they should have made all the way to the second round, but a whole series of events cost the team the opportunity to prove themselves on the world stage. Woman: What do you mean? Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - For English as a Second Language. Google. Listening. New York Travel. New York Travel. New York Travel.

New York Travel. [ Back to Quiz ] Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation.

New York Travel

Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences. [ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ] itinerary (noun): plan - I printed twenty copies of the trip itinerary for the students.fortunate (adjective): lucky - I think we are very fortunate to have this chance to travel.cover (verb): be enough money to pay for something - Be sure to bring enough extra money to cover your food expenses.depart (verb): leave - Do you know when the plane departs tomorrow? Jog (verb): run at a slow speed (also, "go jogging") - I like to jog everyday after work. - My mom and dad go jogging together to get exercise.ferry (noun): a boat for carrying people and cars- They took a ferry to the beautiful island.catch (verb): watch- We wanted to catch the musical last night, but it was all sold out, so we caught a movie instead.

Now, do these exercises to review the vocabulary. Vacation Plans: Travel and Sightseeing. Learning about the culture is another important part of travel and sightseeing.

Vacation Plans: Travel and Sightseeing

What customs should visitors be aware of when visiting a home in your country? What should and shouldn't people do? What are the expected customs and behaviors in this situation? Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play" button of the audio type you want to hear, and answer the questions. Press the "Final Score" button to check your quiz. TRAVEL ENGLISH: English for tourists, English for travel, travel-related phrases. Welcome to our Travel English section!

TRAVEL ENGLISH: English for tourists, English for travel, travel-related phrases

If you're planning a trip, and would like to learn/practice common English phrases used by travelers, we offer 60 free exercises that will help you do this. This is much more than a simple English phrase book - It's a collection of interactive exercises designed to assist you in a wide variety of possible travel-related situations.