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Draconian Draco Reptilians DNA. Dogon.

Serpent Egg

The Reptilian Case. Genesis 10:8-12:Nimrod/Sargon Connection. Rephaim, Annunaki, Nephilim, Aliens. Anunnaki here - "Pulsating Orbs of Light" Lizard Man Special. The Draco Reptilian. Do Reptilians really exist? Proof of Reptilians. Reptilian Agenda. Do You Know Any Reptilians? Bet You Do! Draco. History of Reptilians and Demons. Reptilians. Reptilian - serpent - snake iconography is found throughout the planet in art work and petroglyphs, referring to the spiral of consciousness creation and human DNA.


It is laced with metaphors about human origins and destiny. From the ouroboros to ancient myths, serpent references define our journey. Reptilian, Nordic, and Nordic-Reptilian as Racial Metaphor. The Reptilian Bloodlines.