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CinciLocavore : Message: Re: [CinciLocavore] Need Soil for a New Raised Garden. Garden Views 60 Gal. Dynamic Composter - 17190023 at The Home Depot. Espoma Garden Lime, 5 Lb. - GL5 at The Home Depot. Guide to Container Gardening. To Page 2>> Container Gardening (Page 1) Even the smallest patio or porch can boast a crop of vegetables or a garden of flowers in containers. Planter boxes, wooden barrels, hanging baskets and large flowerpots are just some of the containers that can be used. The container gardener is limited only by his imagination. Consider the following guidelines when choosing your container.

Avoid containers with narrow openings. Cheap plastic pots may deteriorate in UV sunlight and terracotta pots dry out rapidly. Growing Mixture Make sure your planting medium drains rapidly but retains enough moisture to keep the roots evenly moist. Most container gardeners have found that a "soilless" potting mix works best. When you add your soil to your container, leave a 2 inch space between the top of the soil and the top of the container. Sunlight Container GardeningThis 32-page booklet is part of Storey Publishing's Country Wisdom series. Fertilizer Watering What to Grow? Annuals.