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Réalité augmentée

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Augmented Reality Contacts Vs. Google Glasses. Augmented reality versus Google glasses: Soon both will be on the market. The question for consumers is, "Which one should I buy? " Details of Google's prototype glasses are still largely under wraps, but what we do know right now is that the glasses consist of a powerful processor, multiple microphones, a small speaker, a camera, wireless radios and senors that make the glasses aware of their physical location.

For example, if you use the glasses to take a picture of a landmark or a barcode, they will display information about the place or product on the upper part of the right-side lens. That's different from augemented reality, where graphics are layered on top of what you see in real time. The glasses won't go on sale until next year.

If you want to take a step closer to becoming a cyborg, then augmented reality contact lenses could be just the thing for you. Right now the major player in this space is Innovega Inc, which is developing the iOptik augmented reality contact lens. Augmented Reality Contact Lenses. Bionic contact lenses—which would display navigation data, personal emails, or any other sort of info superimposed on the world before your eyes, have long been mainstays of science fiction. Over the past several years, researchers have been working to make the tech real-world ready, striving to find solutions to the energy, size, safety, and image-quality problems that come up when you’re trying to fit a tiny integrated circuit into something transparent that sits on the eye.

Conventional contact lenses are polymers formed in specific shapes to correct faulty vision. To turn such a lens into a functional system, scientists can integrate circuits and miniature antennas into the lens using custom-built optoelectronic components. Those components will eventually include hundreds of LEDs, which will form images in front of the eye, such as words, charts, and photographs. A.T© Augmented Reality. La Réalité Augmentée pour l’apprentissage du geste: Diotasoft réalise l’étude d’industrialisation logicielle pour Renault | Diotasoft S.A.S.

Serious games. AR Augmented reality. SonySmartAR.MOV‬‏