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Installation sur Debian Squeeze (Page 1) / Discussions / Blue Mind Forum. Blue-Mind : messagerie et espaces collaboratifs. Step-by-Step: Configuring a 2-node multi-site cluster on Windows Server 2008 R2 – Part 2 « Clustering For Mere Mortals. Step-by-Step: Configuring a 2-node multi-site cluster on Windows Server 2008 R2 – Part 1 « Clustering For Mere Mortals. Introduction Welcome to Part 1 of my series “Step-by-Step: Configuring a 2-node multi-site cluster on Windows Server 2008 R2″.

Step-by-Step: Configuring a 2-node multi-site cluster on Windows Server 2008 R2 – Part 1 « Clustering For Mere Mortals

Before we jump right in to the details, let’s take a moment to discuss what exactly a multi-site cluster is and why I would want to implement one. Microsoft has a great webpage and white paper that you will want to download to get you all of the details, so I won’t repeat everything here. But basically a multi-site cluster is a disaster recovery solution and a high availability solution all rolled into one. A multi-site cluster gives you the highest recovery point objective (RTO) and recovery time objective (RTO) available for your critical applications.

Openfire Server. The Jitsi project have just announced that Jitsi Videobridge is now compatible with WebRTC and can be used as a central relaying point for web video conferences (or web+Jitsi).

Openfire Server

You can check out shot of a first prototype here. A big thank you to Emil Ivov, Philipp Hancke ( and Lyubomir Marinov ( for making this happen and sharing it with the rest of us I was keen to see this in action with Openfire as Jitsi Videobridge works fine as an Openfire plugin and it will add the much needed and anticipated video streams forwarding/relaying feature to WebRTC applications as Red5 does to Flash Player.

I copied all the required files to my Openfire server, made some minor adjustments for Openfire and as you can see below, it works!! EyeOf Network.