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Google + vs facebook. Social media prepreke in odpravljanje težav. How To Develop a Social Media Strategy: A Roadmap for Integration. The problem with any new function in a business is deciding how it fits with existing operations. This could be the reason we see so many social media programs that operate in a sort of silo apart from other outreach.

The following list of questions and resources should provide a comprehensive roadmap for developing a strong social media strategy with clear organizational alignment. This is going to be a long post, so let’s get started! 1. Is Your Social Media Presence an Experiment? If you’re not the kind of business that is open to experimenting with social media, skip to question #2. 2. Is your business about innovation, or being a fast follower in the marketplace? 3. Social media strategy should typically be a subset of an existing strategy — will yours be a subset of an HR, marketing, PR, customer service strategy, etc? 4. Include data to support your thesis that social media will indeed boost the effectiveness of the parent strategy. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

The Missing Ingredient in Most Social Media Strategies. What is the missing ingredient in most strategies I’ve seen? Actual strategy. However, before I can really show you what a strategy is , it helps to understand what a strategy isn’t . What a Strategy Is NOT Strategy is not a plan Strategy is not a timeline Strategy is not a goal Strategy is not what tactics you will use to achieve your goal Perhaps the confusion is a result of the fact that many of the above elements are included in the overall strategy document or presentation. What Others Say Rather than simply assert my own opinion on the matter, I asked a couple other experienced people in the industry what they thought about this phenomenon. David Binkowski “Most people don’t even know what strategy means, let alone how to create one,” said David Binkowski , senior vice president of Word-of-Mouth Marketing at MS&L.

What I Say When I think of strategy, I like to keep this quote handy: Strategy is not focused on ROI, but on winning. How to Bring Strategy to Your Strategy Tac Anderson. The 3 Types of Social Media Strategy. Be sure to join the New Comm Biz Facebook Page or follow the Twitter account Do you have a social media strategy for your business? Can you articulate what a social media strategy is? Don’t feel bad if you answered no. I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while and have talked around the issue a few times. If you think I talk a lot about social media here and on Twitter you should talk to me in real life. First Shannon Paul asked me the very dangerous question: What’s missing from most social media strategies? Defining Social Media Strategy When people talk about their social media strategy they are usually talking about their Goals (their desired outcome), or the specific tactics used to achieve their goals.

A business strategy is creating operational alignment between all functions and activities of a business. A communication strategy is a subset of the business strategy. Therefore a social media strategy,for PR or Marketing, is a subset of the communications strategy. PRSA: "Social Media - Strategies instead of Tools"


Hotel social marketing. Social media campaigns. Socialni mediji and job seeking. Social media and SEO. Social Media Marketing - More Than Facebook And Twitter. A lot of marketers continue an unhealthy obsession with spending time purely in Facebook and Twitter. I see it again and again. And while Facebook and Twitter absolutely should have a place within a larger digital strategy, your marketing does not start and end with them. They’re outposts but not a hub. What happens when you take a holistic approach and focus opt in at the source? Let me illustrate this with an example of the sources for the last one million or so visits to a site I market: The Rules of Social Media Engagement Brian Solis. InShare1,645 A study published in 2010 surfaced a startling statistic, “75 percent of employers say their business has no formal policy instructing employees on the appropriate use of social networking sites on the job.”

The report, “Employer Perspectives on Social Networking,” compiled data from 34,000 businesses in 35 countries. Does your organization have a formal policy regarding employee use of social media? Perhaps better asked, does your organization offer training, guidelines, and insights to help employees excel in new media on behalf of your business? In the same study, 63% of employers that employed social networking policies reported that those policies improved productivity.

More than a third also stated that social media policies helped protect intellectual property. Social Media represents the democratization of information and the equalization of influence. Training Day The careful selection of capable officials combined with coaching is only the start. When writing Engage!

Mapa socialne strategije

7 Social Media Lessons From Phil Collins | Guest Posts. Why Smart Marketing Is About Help, Not Hype The difference between helping and selling is just two letters. But those two letters are critically important to your company’s success. You’re not competing for attention only against other, similar products. You’re competing for attention against everything. To win in this hyper-competitive environment, you must ask “How can we help?” If you sell something, you make a customer today, but if you genuinely help someone, you create a customer for life. Includes interviews with dozens of companies practicing Youtility, and provides 6 blueprints for building Youtility in your company.

Available now wherever books are sold. Which Social Sites Are Best for Which Marketing Outcomes? [INFOGRAPHIC] Is Flickr good for SEO? Can Tumblr drive traffic? If these questions are part of your day-to-day work, hold onto your hats; here's an infographic that's actually useful for a change. If you're doing any social media marketing, here's something for your to print out and hang up near your desk as a handy point of reference., together with SEO firm 97th Floor, have created this chart showing which social networks are best for various organizational, CRM and marketing goals. For example, if you need massive pageviews for your site or a client's site, Facebook and Twitter are just so-so for referring their users to your content.

If you want to see really big clickthroughs, you should optimize for StumbleUpon and Digg. And if your goal is search engine optimization, don't think that Facebook's "no-follow" links are doing you any favors; instead, focus on Flickr and YouTube to see your desired results on Page One. Click image to view full-size PDF version. Word-of-Mouth - How to Activate Viral Campaigns (or Why Social and Sharing Are Not the Same) By now, many marketers have dabbled in social media—launching contests, promotions, and branding campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and blogs.

But what many marketers fail to understand is that "social" is not the same as "sharing. " Simply slapping up social media content and hoping it works to build brand awareness and drive sales is not enough. Many brands fail to get maximum exposure for their social media campaigns because they don't take the extra step to activate viral sharing of their content. And if marketers don't identify their key influencers and motivate them to share, they're missing out on the real promise of social media: Social content works best when it's shared.

People who visit a campaign link after it's shared with them convert at up to four times the rate of those who just happen upon it, according to some industry research. So when marketers encourage sharing, they are not just increasing campaign reach—they are dramatically boosting conversion. 1. 2. 3. Why Social Media Is a Better Investment than SEO. The 5 Critical Social Media Skills You Need to Disperse | Social Media Book.


How To Track Down & Scout Out Influencers. You’ve heard it a lot. The key to your social dominance lies in your ability to connect with your brand influencers and get them to pass on your content and their networks just how great you are. It’s well-intentioned advice but it means nothing if you don’t know who these influencers are and how to go about identifying them. That’s the tricky part. So how do you do it? Who are these magical influencers that you should be reaching out to? Where do you look? That’s what I want to go into a bit today. But before I do, let’s back up. As a brand, why should you even care? It betters customer service: We live in a world where all customers are not created equal. So how do you go about identifying these people so that you can reach out to them? Scout your own community The easiest way to hunt out brand influencers is to start in your own community.

Who are the people who not only comment on your blog regularly, but who help start discussions? Collect social usernames. What's Your Strategy for the Next Decade? - Umair Haque. Mirror, mirror, on the wall — who’s the fairest of them all? That’s the question most economists are asking. Many answer China, a few holdouts contend: America. I’d like to tell you a very different story, that clashes with both orthodoxies. Economic might isn’t shifting. It’s evaporating. Welcome to the Age of Decline. A new decade’s breaking, and in it, people, companies, and countries will have to strategize differently. Prosperity is a function of institutions — the building blocks on which the economy, polity, and society rest. Think China’s going to power a new century of prosperity? And the opportunity cost’s been steeper. Ultimately, Chinese growth is the result of a great skyhook: an artificially cheap currency. Like China, America has pursued dumb growth built for the 20th Century.

When you look at the American economy today, what do you see? Yesterday, for example, we thought America had undergone a productivity miracle. That’s it for now. Saving Strategy From the Strategists - Umair Haque. Coherent Interactive Services - Social Media. Coherent Interactive offers start-to-finish social media services. We believe that social media is just one tool, and like all tools, it must be used properly to effectively solve the right problem. We approach social media by: Defining clear goals for your social media efforts, based on your business goals. Evaluating the social landscape of your business. Building a strategy that is practical and maintainable. Our strategies are specific and detailed. Not sure how social media can help? Maybe you aren't sure how social media can help your business. If you do have a blog and a basic presence, we'll assess your communities and their effectiveness, given your goals. We take a practical approach.

We focus on your business goals. Social Media Potentiality - Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing.

Target audience

My Social Media Strategy - Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing. COMMS corner: The 12 most useful social media posts I've ever read. Checklist. Six Steps to a Social Media Strategy. Developing a Social Media Strategy Document |Order of Business. Social media is becoming a mainstream advertising channel and many businesses are still trying to flesh out how to develop a sound strategy. I am going to provide you with an outline on how to develop your own social media strategy document. After all, it isn’t really a strategy until it is written out on paper!

Target Audience – Define your target audience. Who are they and what are they like? It would be great if I could get everyone’s input on the above outline. Be Sociable, Share! Related Posts: Six Steps to a Social Media Strategy. Social Business Takes a Human Touch, No Really. InShare131 Served as inspiration for The End of Business as Usual… The socialization of media is the undercurrent for the Industrial Revolution of our time.

Yet, here we are today, forcing social media into the aging paradigms that the social revolution set out to upset in the first place. Businesses still weigh the ROI of participation. Teams debate over who owns the company’s social presences. The parochial in middle and upper management see it as either a playground or an extension of existing broadcast channels. Marketing runs a creative contest on Facebook, but the rest of the business is unaware of the campaign. Customer service reacts to customer problems, yet product development is unaware of the recurring problems and themes. Representatives are unwittingly diluting the brand they represent with unguided tweets, updates, posts, comments, and videos. HR monitors the mistakes made by employees, but no one guides them through training, guidelines, or branding.

Socializing CRM 1+1 = Many. Social Media: It’s All Part of a Master Plan…or Is It? InShare25 Twitter presence…CHECK Facebook Brand Page…CHECK YouTube Channel…CHECK Socialized Business Strategy…TBD While showing up to the party represents a noteworthy effort, a bona fide social media strategy this checklist does not make. Creating presences, listening to conversations tied to keywords and superfluously responding to updates and questions creates a facade of engagement that is at best trivial. Much of my time these days is spent working with businesses to first deepen their understanding of social media and subsequently broaden their outlook for what’s possible. In June 2010, King Fish Media, HubSpot and Junta42 published an interesting report, “2010 Social Media Usage Attitudes and Measurability: What do Marketers Think?” According to the results, 72% of businesses claim to operate under a banner of social media strategy. 27% stated that they did not possess an official strategy.

Companies with a Social Media Strategy, June 2010 ___ Image Credit: Shutterstock (edited) In Social Media, Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail. InShare567 I’ve received many inbound requests for comments based on a report from Gartner, an IT analyst firm, that estimates as many as 70-percent of social media campaigns will fail in 2011.

There are a series of discussions hitting the blogosphere and the Twitterverse exploring this very topic, some elementary and others on the right path. I contacted Gartner earlier this week and the problem is, that this data isn’t new at all. In fact, these discussions are fueled by information originally published in 2008 and in early 2010. Yet another example of the importance of fact-checking in the era of real-time reporting, yes, but, when I paused for a moment, I appreciated the timelessness of this discussion. Are many of the social media programs in play yielding tangible results? No… Are they designed to impact the bottom line or are they tied to meaningful business outcomes?

The truth is that you can’t fail in anything if success is never defined. Who What When Where Why How To what extent. Help Us Fix The Social Media Case Study. Building a Social Media Predictive Model - Search Engine Watch (SEW) Forget Your Elevator Pitch — What's Your Dumbwaiter Pitch? - Umair Haque. 7 Tips for Succeeding as a Social Media Strategist.

Social media tools

Why Ideals are the New Business Models - Umair Haque. Yahoo! Web Analytics Blog » Secret To Winning With Web Analytics? Starting Right! The Shape of the Meaning Organization - Umair Haque. Answered: 10 Common Social Media Marketing Questions. Social media case studies from IBM, JetBlue, Nokia, and 10 more. Social Media Marketing Case Study: YATS. Social Media Analytics Platform List | Web Strategist. Youtube. What is Social Media’s Next Big Thing? »» ROI and measurement, Social Media Policy, Social Media best practices, futurist »» Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow} PR. Social media case studies from Cisco, Hasbro, Intel, and 18 more.

Best Social PR Guides and Tips of 2010 So Far. ONLINE - Druckversion - Logging Off: The Internet Generation Prefers the Real World - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International. Online Database of Social Media Policies. How Big Brands Employ Social Media Marketing - An Andy Sernovitz Interview. Social Networking and Product Development. Social Media: It’s All Part of a Master Plan…or Is It?

7 Signs You Ignored Your Social Media Plan.


Creating Your Organization's Social Media Strategy Map - Beth's Blog: How Nonprofit Organizations Can Use Social Media to Power Social Networks for Change. 5 Reasons Why Social Media Failed You. The Key To Developing A Social Media Strategy. Video. Social Media Guidelines | AMP3 Public Relations. Social Media – Top 25 | Paul Holmes. Develop a Social Media Strategy in 7 Steps | Conferences and Events. Online Database of Social Media Policies. How to write a corporate Twitter strategy (…and here’s one I made earlier) We Are Media - home.

New-media-strategy-map.pdf (application/pdf Object) Social Media Action Plan Template. Dragan Varagic Blog » Social Media Strategy Templates Recommendations. Social Media Strategy from A to Z. How To Develop a Business-Aligned Social Media & Social Networking Strategy - Managing Technology - Dennis McDonald's Web Site. Socialmedia-listening - Tools. My Fave Free Social Media Monitoring Tools - Kirsten's Social Web. 12 Social Media Monitoring Tools Reviewed. The Top 10 Free Icon Sets For Web Designers In 2009 | Web Design. Marketing: How 'Chief Listeners' Track Brand Mentions - Advertising Age - Digital. Why European social media projects fail / we are social.


Social Media Guidelines. 12 Social Media Secrets From World’s Top Superstars. 9 Ways to Sell Social Media to Executives. SWOT analysis | Strengths and weaknesses. How To Develop a Business-Aligned Social Media & Social Networking Strategy - Managing Technology - Dennis McDonald's Web Site. Strategic_Planning_for_Social_Media.pdf (application/pdf Object)

7 Social Shopping Experiences. Social media DO’s and DON’Ts: 6 remedies for any emergency » fire alarm, social media disaster management, social media monitoring, social media measurement, marketing metrics, ROI, best metrics, best practice, cost-benefit analysis, benchmark social medi. 3 Easy Ways to Master Your Facebook Presence : The World. Social Media Tactical Plan. Social media DO’s and DON’Ts: 5 hints for successful crisis-management » social media monitoring, social media measurement, marketing metrics, ROI, best metrics, best practice, cost-benefit analysis, benchmark social media, right blog metrics, reputation, How to Create a Social Media Strategy. 7 Lessons for Better Networking with Social Media.