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University, Social Media Certification.


6 Steps to Creating a Social Business. Traditional forms of business communications, such as email, have become clogged with spam and are ill-suited for collaboration.

6 Steps to Creating a Social Business

The antiquated file sharing systems of most businesses make it nearly impossible to locate and share information. Social networks, such as Facebook and LinkedIn, provide easy access, continuous status updates, and spam-free messaging. Consequently, many businesses are attempting to replicate this success with enterprise social networks.


Slides: Climb the Social Business Hierarchy of Needs (#LeWeb Keynote, 2011) I’m thrilled to return as a keynote speaker at LeWeb for the third time in a row.

Slides: Climb the Social Business Hierarchy of Needs (#LeWeb Keynote, 2011)

While I’ve shared these same findings on social business at conferences in the US, I’m pleased to finally present in EMEA. We found that despite companies running to open social media accounts, internally, companies are ill-prepared. Yes, that’s right, it’s time to return to basics and focus on building a scalable infrastructure –before jumping into adopting social tools. I’ve embedded both the slides from the keynote as well as the report (original post here) which it’s based off of below, feel free to widely share.

Also, I’m thankful for the broader research team which includes Christine Tran and Andrew Jones.