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Index of / Rubular: a Ruby regular expression editor and tester. CSS. Ruby on Rails. Getting Started with Rails. 1 Guide Assumptions This guide is designed for beginners who want to get started with a Rails application from scratch. It does not assume that you have any prior experience with Rails.

Rails is a web application framework running on the Ruby programming language. If you have no prior experience with Ruby, you will find a very steep learning curve diving straight into Rails. There are several curated lists of online resources for learning Ruby: Be aware that some resources, while still excellent, cover versions of Ruby as old as 1.6, and commonly 1.8, and will not include some syntax that you will see in day-to-day development with Rails. 2 What is Rails?

Rails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby programming language. Rails is opinionated software. The Rails philosophy includes two major guiding principles: 3 Creating a New Rails Project The best way to read this guide is to follow it step by step. 3.1 Installing Rails Open up a command line prompt. 4 Hello, Rails!

Installing Ruby and Rails on Mac OS X. Updated: Mar. 11, 2014 All of our online courses start with comprehensive instructions for getting the required software installed and set up on your own computer. For the online Rails course, that means installing Ruby and Rails. During the course, you'll then write, refactor, and test your code directly on your own computer. That way, after the course, you'll already be familiar with the environment where you can then start writing your own Rails apps! Setting up a stable Ruby and Rails environment on your Mac has never been easier. Here's our recommended approach… Install Ruby 2 and Rails 4 The best way we've found to install Ruby and Rails on a Mac is using the Ruby Version Manager (RVM).

Note that Mac OS X ships with a version of Ruby. First, find the Terminal application (it's under the Applications -> Utilities directory) and drag it onto your dock. Now you have the latest versions of Ruby and Rails installed! Create An Example Rails App Next Steps That's all there is to it! How to Install Ruby on a Mac. This one is tailor made for the Basix users among you. If you've been itching to try out Ruby and/or Rails, if the Terminal is somewhat new to you, you may find that even the process of installing it can generate countless confusing errors.

This article will detail the exact steps you need to follow to get Ruby up and running on your Mac. Step 1 - RVM What you might be interested to know is that Ruby comes preinstalled on your Mac. Don't believe me? Likely, the version number will return 1.8.7. Old versions of the OS shipped with a buggy version of Ruby RVM provides the flexibility to use any version of Ruby that you require.

These days, RVM is the way the cool kids install Ruby, and that's what we'll use. "RVM lets you deploy each project with its own completely self-contained and dedicated environment--from the specific version of ruby, all the way down to the precise set of required gems to run your application. Open the Terminal, and type: Step 2 - Load RVM into the Shell Conclusion. Ruby on Rails development setup for Mac OSX - Created by Pete. Most developers like to spend a bit of time setting up their development workspace.

I’m no different, after a number of years tweaking and experimenting the following article details how I setup my environment for Mavericks/Yosemite. There has always been a consistent critera my development environment needed to meet: Unobtrusive, no modifying core filesFlexibility with Ruby versionsMinimal configurationEasy to setup new/existing projects So if you’re a Ruby developer with the same ideals this should help you get started quickly. This article assumes a clean install of Mac OS X Mavericks/Yosemite but I’ve added notes for Mountain Lion and those stuck on Lion should also be able to follow along. The Essentials Install Command Line Tools Installion of Command Line Tools for Mavericks/Yosemite has changed from the previous versions, there is now a single command you can run in the terminal to trigger the install. xcode-select --install What about Xcode?

Install Homebrew brew doctor brew update. Iwanttolearnruby. Overview. The Art and Craft of Programming -- Contents. Python Programming. Python Programming From Wikibooks, open books for an open world Jump to: navigation, search This book describes Python, an open-source general-purpose interpreted programming language available for a broad range of operating systems. There are currently three major implementations: the standard implementation written in C, Jython written in Java, and IronPython written in C# for the .NET environment. There are two common versions currently in use: 2.x and 3.x.

Contents[edit] Intro[edit] Overview Getting Python Setting it up Interactive mode Self Help Basics[edit] Creating Python programs Variables and Strings Basic syntax Sequences (Strings, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, Sets) Data types Numbers Strings Lists Tuples Dictionaries Sets Basic Math -- redundant to "Operators" Operators Control Flow Decision Control Conditional Statements Loops Functions Scoping Input and output Files Text Modules Classes Exceptions Errors Source Documentation and Comments Idioms Advanced[edit] Decorators Context Managers Reflection Metaclasses Email Qt4.

Machine Interpretation of a Program | Unit 1 | Introduction to Computer Science and Programming. Get a College-Level Computer Science Education with These Free Courses. The Art and Craft of Programming -- Loops. Loops are used to repeatedly execute some code. The most basic loop structure in Python is the while loop, an example of which is: i = 0 while (i < 10): print(i,end="") i = i + 1 We see a while loop looks much like an if statement.

The difference is that blocks belonging to ifs are evaluated at most once whereas blocks associated with loops may be evaluated many many times. As Computer Scientists hate to type extra characters if they can help it, you will often see: i = i + 1 written as i += 1 The latter version is read as "increment i" and saves a whopping two characters of typing. A while loop tests its condition before the body of the loop is executed. I = 10 while (i < 10): print(i,end="") i += 1 never prints out anything since the test immediately fails. I = 0; while (i < 10): print(i,end="") i += 1 the loop prints out the digits 0 through 9: A while loop repeatedly evaluates its body as long as the loop condition remains true. To write an infinite loop, use True as the condition: Other loops.