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Emploi : Les entreprises deviennent accros aux «serious games » Former, tester, recruter… Les «business games» sont déployés pour de multiples objectifs, qui vont du recrutement à la formation des salariés ou même la conduite de projet.

Emploi : Les entreprises deviennent accros aux «serious games »

Alors, learning by playing? L'Oréal, Orange, Michelin, Total… plus de la moitié des sociétés du CAC 40 utilisent des «serious games» conçus spécialement pour leurs salariés. Mais le marché s'ouvre à de nouvelles cibles. En 2010, les serious games généraient 1,5 milliard d'euros de chiffre d'affaires dans le monde. En 2015, ils devraient rapporter sept fois plus selon l'Idate (1). Ces «jeux sérieux» utilisent les ressorts du jeu vidéo pour former, tester ou se faire connaître à grande échelle. La problématique de Michelin? D'outil de formation, le business game se transforme vite en outil d'entraînement. Le jeu s'invite partout: préparation à l'entretien annuel d'évaluation, formation aux risques psychosociaux, évaluation des collaborateurs. Bientôt sur iPad et smartphones Peut-on aller plus loin? Top 10 business ideas & opportunities for 2012. We hope that you’ll find these concepts as inspiring as we do, and that they spark even more innovation in the year to come!

Top 10 business ideas & opportunities for 2012

1. Thermodynamic ‘stones’ help keep coffee at the right temperature We are always excited to see a dose of genuinely new product innovation, and this idea from the US struck us with the simplicity and elegance of its solution. Aiming to help keep coffee at the ideal temperature for longer, Coffee Joulies are small stone-like devices that can be immersed in hot drinks — cooling them while they’re too hot, and then heating them as they cool down. Coffee Joulies launched as a project on Kickstarter, quickly earned its target funding goal, and they now on sale via the website. Read more about Coffee Joulies » 2. We have seen a wide range of social enterprises that offer inspiration for 2012. S October 2010 Trend Briefing covering 15 TREND WATCHING TIPS.

Even though we're happy to provide you with more trends than you can shake a stick at, it's equally important to hone one's trend watching skills.

s October 2010 Trend Briefing covering 15 TREND WATCHING TIPS

So here are our 15 tips on how to best track and apply trends. Today. Good luck! Let's face it, the only thing that separates you—passionate CEO, marketer, entrepreneur—from being in the know, is the time that must be devoted to tracking and applying trend content. And yet, when we ask professionals if and how they spot and apply trends, we're told they're still having a hard time getting a handle on the basics. So here are 15 trend watching tips, some practical, some more contextual, for you to run with today: In business, everything begins and ends with consumers. In fact, with consumer behavior and preferences changing ever faster, and on a truly global scale, consumer insights (and resulting innovations) are higher on the corporate agenda than ever before.

Com: Consumer trends and insights from around the world.