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Welkin. What is this? Welkin is a graph-based RDF visualizer. What's New in Version 1.1 Works on Windows, Linux and MacOSX. Added support for Turtle/N3 RDF syntax. Dramatically reduced size for increased startup performance. Ok, how do I run it? The easiest way is to run Welkin thru Java WebStart. If the application doesn't start when you click the link above, you don't have Java WebStart installed in your machine.

Cool, now what? Welkin visualizes RDF models. A word of warning: above 1000 nodes, real-time drawing performance degrades dramatically even on beefy machines. How can I learn more about it? The best way is to read the Welkin User Guide. Where do I download it? You can obtain Welkin in two different ways: In case you want to download the files from the repository (for example, if you want to have the latest and greatest development snapshot), you need to have a Subversion client installed. Svn co welkin Licensing and legal issues Credits. RDF-Gravity. Sunil Goyal, Rupert Westenthaler {sgoyal, rwestenthaler} Salzburg Research, Austria RDF Gravity is a tool for visualising RDF/OWL Graphs/ ontologies.

Its main features are: Graph VisualizationGlobal and Local Filters (enabling specific views on a graph) Full text SearchGenerating views from RDQL QueriesVisualising multiple RDF files RDF Gravity is implemented by using the JUNG Graph API and Jena semantic web toolkit. Figure 1: Screenshot of RDF-Gravity, showing a part of Wine Ontology 1 Graph Visualisation RDF Gravity defines a visualization package on top of the JUNG Graph API. Configurable renderers for edges and nodes of a graph, including different node shapes and edge decorations etc.A Renderer Factory allowing the configuration of the above node and edge renderers based on the type of an edge or node. For graph layout, it uses the layout algorithms directly supported by the Jung API. 2 Global & Local Filters 3 Full Text Search 4 Visualising Multiple RDF Files. RDFAuthor. By Damian Steer About RDFAuthor is a tool designed to ease the pain of creating rdf instance data.

Authoring is largely a matter of dragging in data and binding it together using a graphical interface. See the tutorial which demonstrates the authoring process. Warning: Contains large images (and nut traces). RDFAuthor is free software, released under the GNU General Public Licence. News Changed the email address at the top. Big changes - why haven't I made a release in so long? Minor bug fix. New release (see downloads). Finally added a 'News' section ;-) New version released. Requirements RDFAuthor was written using Java and Apple's Cocoa framework. If that annoys you then you could: Port the application to GNUStep (using JIGS) which would allow Windows and Unix users to use it.

Credit where credit is due... This app would be useless if it weren't for Jena, so, unless you object to features like XML exports and schema imports, credit is due to Brian McBride et al. In addition I should mention: SWOOP - Hypermedia-based OWL Ontology Browser and Editor. Swoop is no longer under active development at mindswap. Continuing development can be found on SWOOP's Google Code homepage at . News Released new SWOOP v2.3 beta - see downloads (01/04/06) Created a new page on the Debugging of OWL Ontologies using Swoop Released SWOOP v2.2 Final - see downloads (03/13/05) Added a public SWOOP-devel (Developers) Mailing List (11/24/04) Stay updated on SWOOP issues via the MINDSWAP Issue Tracker (10/28/04) Added Java Webstart Demo Added SWOOP Movie Demos on the Media page (06/28/04) Changed SWOOP License to MPL 1.1 Released SWOOP v2.0 (05/26/04) Created a public SWOOP (Generic Users) Mailing List (05/26/04) Motivation Most existing ontology development toolkits provide an integrated environment to build and edit ontologies, check for errors and inconsistencies (using a reasoner), browse multiple ontologies, and share and reuse existing data by establishing mappings among different ontological entities.

Features. METAmorphoses: database to RDF mapping. WikiOnt. Owl Interactive. DOME . DERI Ontology Management Environment.