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Super Marketer Blog. A quelles influences les cyberacheteurs sont-ils sensibles ? Why All Advertising Will Be Social – Navigating the Social Brand Map. "Data Driven Thinking" is a column written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media. Today's column is written by Rob Leathern, CEO of’s is a Social Media Ad Platform. Names and signs were very much what early advertising was about: in the Middle Ages, these signs were the way to find the cobbler, miller, tailor or blacksmith. Many tradesmen even came to be named for their occupation – advertising has always had at its root a local, direct and often very personal communication between seller and potential buyer.

Not until quite recently has a company or brand again been able to point to actual people by name as customers or fans of their brand, instead of faceless 10-year-sized demographic groups like “women, 25-34”. The distance between the brand and an individual has appeared to greatly decrease, from both the individual’s and the company’s perspective. Taux de conversion e-commerce adwords emailing. Sens du client - Le blog des professionnels du marketing client.

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