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TDCS via Iontophoresis device

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Neural Engineering Group – Targeted Modulation-Comparison of conventional pad versus ring electrode configurations. Abhishek Datta The aim of this modeling study was to compare the focality (spatial extent) of induced cortical electric fields between conventional big pad tDCS and 4 X 1 ring electrode configurations.

Neural Engineering Group – Targeted Modulation-Comparison of conventional pad versus ring electrode configurations

The head model was created at 1 mm X 1 mm X 1mm resolution. Peak induced cortical electric field under rectangular pad configuration was matched to that of 4 X 1 ring.The 4 X 1 ring led to significant increases in focality.Superficial cortical regions can be selectively targeted using a 4 X 1 system.Results can be translated to other waveforms (ECT,tACS,etc.) Iontophoresis. Iontophoresis is a physical process in which ions flow diffusively in a medium driven by an applied electric field.


Iontophoresis is to be distinguished from the carriage of uncharged molecules by diffusive fluxes of other molecules, especially of solvent molecules, for example by electro-osmosis, that is to say by flux of uncharged solvent molecules carried as a cross-effect of iontophoresis.[1][2] These phenomena, directly and indirectly, constitute active transport of matter due to an applied electric field. The transport is measured in units of chemical flux, commonly µmol/cm2h. The transport of a charged species of interest may also be measured in terms of a representative electric current, but that current might not be the whole of the current driven by the applied electric field.

Iontophoresis has purely laboratory experimental as well as therapeutic and diagnostic applications. T.D.C.S. Update Could remission be within my reach and your's too? - Page 2. 1) Before activating the device be sure the wires are securely connected to the electrodes.

t.D.C.S. Update Could remission be within my reach and your's too? - Page 2

Occasionally they can come loose while being wrapped in ace bandages. 2) Remove all hair spray, gel and conditioner before treatment and wipe the scalp/skin with an alcohol prep pad. Replacement Lead Wires 2/ pk - Ultrasound Sound Heads Applicators,Transducers, Battery Pack, and Carry Bags. Trivarion ActivaDose Phoresor - Isokinetics Inc.