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Die Marketing-Zukunfts-Strategie von Coca-Cola. Autor des Artikels: Matias Roskos Schon mit der Kooperation der "Fremd-Gründer" einer Coca-Cola-Facebook-Seite (ich berichtete darüber) hatte der Konzern gezeigt, dass er offensichtlich verstanden hatte, was Social Media bedeutet. Wenn man sich die Marketing-Strategie für die Zukunft von Coca-Cola anschaut (siehe Video), dann muss man einfach begeistert sein. Dort ist die Rede vom Wandel weg von "Creative Excellence" hin zu "Content Excellence". Es geht um die Inhalte, die von den im Social Web agierenden Menschen aufgegriffen und weiter gereicht werden. Es wird ein Wechselspiel zwischen den Fans der Marke und der Marke Coca-Cola selbst stattfinden. Und hier Teil 2 der Coca-Cola-Zukunftsstrategie. DokuWiki] DokuWiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software that doesn't require a database.

It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator's favorite. Built in access controls and authentication connectors make DokuWiki especially useful in the enterprise context and the large number of plugins contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use cases beyond a traditional wiki. Get started: Why DokuWiki? DokuWiki is a popular choice when choosing a Wiki software and has many advantages over similar software.

Easy to install and use Low system requirements Built-in Access Control Lists Large variety of extensions Over 50 languages supported Device independent Open Source Learn more about DokuWiki features Use Cases Wikis are quick to update and new pages are easily added. Corporate Knowledge Base Private notebook Software manual Project workspace Customizing DokuWiki Our Community. Meet Silk, an app to search the semantic web [Video Interview] Monika E. König: Klout Influence Summary. Web 2.0 Sammelalbum - Web2Null. Infographic of the Day: The 28 Flavors of Online Conversation in 2010 | Co.Design. The Conversation Prism, an exhaustive encyclopedia of all the various sites offering online dialogue, has just been released in an updated version for 2010.

Media guru Brian Solis and creative agency JESS3 produced the first conversation prism in 2008. Since then, the landscape of online interactions has shifted dramatically. Ergo, the newest version has no less than 28 different types of conversation species you can have online, ranging from virtual worlds to custom social networks to "social commerce" (such as Groupon). (Previously, there were 22 different species, but these were vastly more simple and less nuanced than the ones now.)

Here's the full chart: [Click for larger version] While many of these businesses share a category on the chart, they earn money and reach their audiences in dramatically different ways. To purchase a print of the Conversation Prism for $20, go here. 40 Incredibly Useful Web Design Tools You Should Use Daily. This article will showcase tools which should and could be used by designers daily. If you need some inspiration – you can visit the most popular and recommended design showcase sites to find really good works and examples.

Check out design related tools, online generators, free font sites, template sites, great websites helping to test and manage websites – those all have been created to save your time! Remember - not always the best way is to create everything by yourself. Be smart and you will accomplish your tasks much easier and quicker without struggling! I strongly suggest you to go through this article and bookmark tools, which could help you or just bookmark this page and come back whenever you feel discouraged or struggled!

Enjoy! Inspiration 1. Deviantart is one of the largest artist showcases on internet. 2. Web Design Library is an internationally refereed resource that provides a platform for the dissemination of design thinking and research. 3. 4. 5. Design tools 6. 7. 8. Web Design | 99designs - Get your latest website done well. Website design contest for Talk3 Webpage design contest for Peace Bicycles Website design contest for Allegra Web page design contest for StyleZen Web site design contest for Qfeeder Web design contest for Ceylon Arrack Website contest for Grossmann Jet Service. This is how it works - Jilster - Create a beautiful magazine together with others. IDEO's Tim Brown in Conversation with Bruce Nussbaum | Parsons The New School for Design.

Crowdsourcing | Crowdsource Design, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Web Design. Free Web Design Tools And Resources. Web Design Showcase. MIT App Inventor. Netzwerte: Wie funktioniert Wertschöpfung in. Die Netzwerk- und Graphentheorie lässt sich nutzen, um Netzwerkstrukturen zu beschreiben und zu analysieren. Die Erkenntnisse lassen sich auch ganz gut auf soziale Netzwerke übertragen. Und spätestens seit Facebook-Gründer Mark Zuckerberg nur noch vom Social Graph spricht, scheint das Soziogramm prägend für die Beurteilung künftiger Web-Anwendungen: Für jeden, der sich mit (den Business-Potenzialen von) Social Networks befasst, lohnt es sich also, sich mit diesem Thema auseinanderzusetzen und sein Wissen aufzufrischen.

Hier eine Reihe von Veröffentlichungen aus dem eher soziologischen Bereich: Mark Buchanan ("Nexus. Small Worlds and the Groundbreaking Theorie of Networks") Peter Carrington u.a. Die Veröffentlichungen sind für den Einstieg schön und gut. Der Wertschöpfungsaspekt wurde in den letzten Jahren meist aus einer anderen Perspektive heraus diskutiert.

Social Networks schaffen die Strukturen und ermöglichen es anderen, darauf aufzubauen. Collaboration tools. Mongoliad - interaktive Storywriting.