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Spa-At-Home: Body Scrub and Salt Glow Recipes. Lemon Salt Glow Sea salts bring a healthy glow to dull, dry skin,.which may then benefit as much from the antioxidant properties of lemon as the rich nutrition of almond oil.

Spa-At-Home: Body Scrub and Salt Glow Recipes

Ingredients ½ cup sea salt ½ cup sweet almond oil ½ tsp finely grated lemon zest Instructions Combine all ingredients, taking extra care not to let any water touch the ingredients, as it will dissolve the salts. Tropical Sugar Scrub Sugar granules gently remove dead skin cells, which are in turn nourished by the combined power of coconut, mango, and orange. 1 cup white sugar 2 Tbsp freshly squeezed orange juice 1/4 cup fresh mango puree 1 cup coconut oil Mix sugar into coconut oil until evenly distributed before stirring in lemon juice and mango puree.

Recipes: Scrubs. Homemade Foot Scrub Recipes. By Tiffany Moore It's time to put those woolly socks back in the drawer and bring out your funky flip-flops as summer is finally here!

Homemade Foot Scrub Recipes

But are you ashamed of your dry scaly feet, thick calluses and cracked heels? These DIY all natural foot scrubs are sure to make you sashay with confidence and silky smooth feet! Just like your facial and body skin, the skin of your feet also needs to be exfoliated to make way for new skin cells. You can find various types of foot scrubs in the store, but did you know that you can make foot scrubs at home for pennies? Home made natural foot scrubs are as good as store bought ones and they are shockingly simple to make. The best part of making your own foot scrubs is that they contain no parabens, no mineral oil and no synthetic dyes. Homemade Salt Scrub recipes; be ready to feel ENERGIZED. Every body should have tried a homemade salt scrub at least once in their life.

Homemade Salt Scrub recipes; be ready to feel ENERGIZED

Chances are that it won’t be the last time either. Salt scrubs are known not only to exfoliate but to give you a revived, energized and rejuvenated feeling. “Take it easy on the salt” does not apply when using these salt scrub recipes, they can do miracles on your skin and energy levels The ingredients used in these salt scrub recipes are time proven and truly natural; they are taken from fresh products which have specific scrubbing and exfoliating qualities, they use only the REAL thing And everyone, and that includes you, can enjoy a satisfying natural spa experience right there in your own home with these homemade salt scrubs.

We have the recipe you bring the energy …and the ingredients and some kitchen utensils please Why a homemade salt scrubwhat are the benefits os salt for my skin? Dead Sea salt in specific is crammed with many different salts and minerals. Some useful tips Enjoy and have FUN! How to do it: Homemade Sugar Scrub. How to Make a Homemade Hand Scrub - Natural Hand Scrub Recipes » Hand Scrub – To Get Pretty Hands. Hand scrubs can be prepared with natural every day ingredients to remove the dead skin which builds up over time and to reveal the petal soft skin hidden underneath.

How to Make a Homemade Hand Scrub - Natural Hand Scrub Recipes » Hand Scrub – To Get Pretty Hands

Beautiful hands can make a woman look even more beautiful. Natural ingredients like coarsely ground almond, brown sugar and Epsom salts are all easy ways to regain the lost beauty of our hands. The following hand scrub recipes can be prepared right at home with simple easily procurable ingredients. Try them out and experience the difference for yourself. Citrus Hand Scrub Recipe In a small glass bowl take a quarter cup of orange juice and two tablespoons of lemon juice. Sugar Cream Hand Scrub Recipe Sour creams are not only to be used as your regular sandwich spread.

EASY LAVENDER HAND SCRUB. Lavender hand scrub is great for those hard working garden hands.


You may use these salt and sugar scrubs to soften your feet, elbows, and knees. Your skin will feel silky soft and any roughness and dead skin will be polished away. I call this Lavender aromatherapy recipe easy to make because you use what you have on hand to make it. The best thing is you made this Lavender homemade hand scrub yourself! Combine the following ingredients in a wide mouth lidded container. 1 1/2 cups of Epsom Salt, Coarse Kosher Salt, Sea Salt, or Sugar 1 cup Jojoba Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, or Coconut oil 25-30 drops of Lavender Essential Oil Optional Ingredients: 2-3 teaspoons Vitamin E Oil (very nourishing) 1-2 tablespoons dried Lavender flower (pretty) Honey is another optional ingredient which is beneficial for the skin and makes for a nice consistency.

You may also add Rosemary, Rose, Orange or other pure essential oils to make the fragrance you desire. Hand Scrub.Natural Homemade Beauty Recipes. Natural Nail Care Recipes: Hand scrubs, homemade foot scrubs, natural hand and foot care scrubs you can make at home: Salt scrub, brown sugar scrubs. Peppermint Foot Scrub Recipe Ingredients: 10 tsp. grapeseed oil 4 tbs dark brown sugar Directions: Combine ingredients.

Natural Nail Care Recipes: Hand scrubs, homemade foot scrubs, natural hand and foot care scrubs you can make at home: Salt scrub, brown sugar scrubs

Strawberry Foot Exfoliating Scrub Recipe Ingredients: 4 Strawberries 2 tablespoons Dark Brown Sugar 2 tablespoons olive oil Mash or puree strawberries. Applelicious Scrub Recipe 1 apple, purred or 3 tbs applesauce. Homemade Body Scrubs recipes.