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Dynasties. Military History. Researchers. Sects. Concepts. Literature. The Historical Interaction between the Buddhist and Islamic Cultures before the Mongol Empire – 12 The Establishment of Buddhist Kingdoms by the Uighurs. Alexander Berzin, 1996lightly revised, January 2003, December 2006 12 The Establishment of Buddhist Kingdoms by the Uighurs The Kyrgyz Conquest of Mongolia.

The Historical Interaction between the Buddhist and Islamic Cultures before the Mongol Empire – 12 The Establishment of Buddhist Kingdoms by the Uighurs

Glossary of Islam. The following list consists of notable concepts that are derived from both Islamic and Arab tradition, which are expressed as words in the Arabic language.

Glossary of Islam

The main purpose of this list is to disambiguate multiple spellings, to make note of spellings no longer in use for these concepts, to define the concept in one or two lines, to make it easy for one to find and pin down specific concepts, and to provide a guide to unique concepts of Islam all in one place. Separating concepts in Islam from concepts specific to Arab culture, or from the language itself, can be difficult. Many Arabic concepts have an Arabic secular meaning as well as an Islamic meaning.

Islamic Architecture Community.