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Role of Manager & Personal Branding

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Personal Marketing Basics: 5 Tips to Get Started. Hunting for jobs?

Personal Marketing Basics: 5 Tips to Get Started

Here are five foundational tips to get started marketing yourself electronically: 1. Start with the basics. Better understand how to break into your field by reading up on your industry at WetFeet. Search the job boards like Monster and CareerBuilder, as well as niche job search sites like 2. 3. 4. 5. Author: Pete Kistler is a leading Online Reputation Management expert for Generation Y, a top 5 finalist for Entrepreneur Magazine’s College Entrepreneur of 2009, one of the Top 30 Definitive Personal Branding Experts on Twitter, a widely read career development blogger, and a Judge for the 2009 Personal Brand Awards.

Introducing the Personal Marketing Plan – Part 1 of 5. Your Personal Marketing Plan – Part 2 of 5. Your Personal Marketing Plan – Part 3 of 5. Your Personal Marketing Plan Post Series Section 1: Situational Analysis – A detailed description of exactly where you are in your life, as well as your mission, vision and life cycle.

Your Personal Marketing Plan – Part 3 of 5

Section 2: Audience Analysis – Researching what the market is for your brand, with both primary and secondary research and quantitative and qualitative measurements. Section 3 is focused on your competition. After recognizing who your audience is, their needs and what you can deliver, you need to assess who else is there to provide a similar or relevant service. For instance, when it comes to technology, you have Robert Scoble, Om Malik and Mike Arrington fighting it out over who owns the greatest share of the technology “geek” audience.

Your Personal Marketing Plan – Part 4 of 5. Your Personal Marketing Plan – Part 5 of 5. Today the “Your Personal Marketing Plan” post series comes to an end.

Your Personal Marketing Plan – Part 5 of 5

How to Gain Respect and Make Professional Connections. No matter how talented or smart you are, if you can’t communicate effectively with others it will be difficult to get a job, retain clients, and have productive relationships.

How to Gain Respect and Make Professional Connections

The 12 Habits of Highly Connective People. Anil Dash at Gel 2011 from Gel Conference on Vimeo.

The 12 Habits of Highly Connective People

I started the day watching this video from Gel 2011. I love stories like Anil Dash's because I experienced myself the power of networks. Especially after moving continents and starting from zero, alone. Few things give you more joy than doing a good deed. Often that goodness comes from introducing someone to something or someone else, and that someone else doing the same -- and so on. Understanding the importance and power of networks, combined with new tools is our lifeline. That's what true connections can do. A couple of months back, I wrote a post about follow through, which is the secret to successful networking. Personal Branding in Social Media: A First Checklist. Personal branding is the topic of a presentation I will be giving thi s week and it got me thinking how social media has changed everything.

Personal Branding in Social Media: A First Checklist

We used to be able “tell” a future employer, client or customer about ourselves with a resume, a college transcript and/or a list of references. Today we are more likely to “show” them a little about ourselves with all our online presences (whether we intend to or not). I’m not saying the old way is dead, but it may well be on life support. Let’s start with Five Personal Branding Basics in Social Media: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. So, does this list do a good job getting you started? 6 Social Networking Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make. Skip Advertisement This ad will close in 15 seconds...

6 Social Networking Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make

Young Entrepreneurs Today's Most Read 9 Proven Ways to Get People to Take You Seriously 4 Intangibles That Drive CEOs What It Takes to Go From Dead Broke to 6 Figures in 6 Months The Mentality of a Successful Career 4 Big Challenges That Startups Face These Siblings Are Cooking Up America's First Meatless Butcher Shop Kim Lachance Shandrow. You're Connected, Now What? Meeting and friending people has become fairly easy with social networks, live events, and a gazillion ways to locate, like, and follow peers.

You're Connected, Now What?

How do you take things to the next level? What makes a connection work to your advantage? And by *your* I mean both parties involved. If you're looking to improve how you network, this post is for you. It all starts with the proper lens -- putting the emphasis on the work part of network. When you start making more decisions based upon what's really important and figure out a way to measure that, the return is easier to spot.

Two things happen when we don't value what matters: What the App Store Taught Me About Making an Awesome First Impression. 6 Ways to Establish Yourself as an Industry Thought Leader. How to position yourself as an expert and get press - TNW Social Media. As an expert in your niche, you get all kinds of special treatment from others that respect you and acknowledge your experience and wisdom in your area of specialty.

How to position yourself as an expert and get press - TNW Social Media

As an expert, you can leverage your knowledge to network with the right people and ultimately become an expert source for stories that publications are writing, bringing in tons of inbound PR inquiries. Why You Need to Take 50 Coffee Meetings. Anybody who has spent any time with me in person will be tired of this advice because I give it so frequently.

Why You Need to Take 50 Coffee Meetings

It is a piece of actionable advice that if you put into practice starting next week will start paying dividends in the near future. There’s a direct correlation to your future success. 5 / week = 250 / year. Imagine the human progress you could make with 250 short, relationship-focused meetings. Brand Yourself in Four Simple Steps. Personal Branding Done Right. By Mike Myatt, Chief Strategy Officer, N2growth So what’s the big deal about personal branding? The mere mention of this topic sparks intense emotions and frothy debate. The legions of personal branding advocates believe it’s the great brand equalizer, and the growing constituency of disgruntled adversaries see it as little more than the latest form of snake-oil.

The 7 Habits Killing Your Personal Brand. As a society, we’re obsessed with brands. Nike, Apple, Coca Cola, Google – we’re drawn to them like football players to HS cheerleaders. And in the social media world, we’re even more obsessed. We’re constantly hearing conversation focused on brand, telling us how to build one, how to leverage one, and whose brand is bigger and more influential.