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Untitled. Foro de Turismo Responsable. CoaST One Planet Tourism Network. This is one of those things that, rather like teenage sex, everyone says they're doing; very few are; and of those that are, even fewer are doing it anything like well.Our mate Ed of Futerra would say the same of what people say they're doing about climate change.

CoaST One Planet Tourism Network

We rather agree. Fortunately, despite our collective attempts to mash it up, pretty catastrophically, communication does in fact come naturally to us. We just have to learn as we go; and importantly, fend off the many efforts to actually stop us from communicating well, which pretty much boil down to the modern world measuring our success as a species by the size of our tv screens, how much stuff we can buy each year, and the number of "friends" we have on virtual social networks (the clue is in the "virtual" bit.

The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism - an idea whose time has come? Today saw the opening of the 1 st International Congress on Ethics and Tourism in Madrid. . Dr Dawid de Villiers, Chair of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics, argued that the Code of Ethics was an idea whose time had come. That ethics should govern all human activities, that ethics defines right and wrong, and provides a framework for the exercise of Responsible Tourism, an ethical road map. He acknowledged that the original goals of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism had not been achieved, and announced that there was some restricting under-way with a permanent secretariat in Italy. City Cycling Edinburgh Forum. About This Forum CityCyclingEdinburgh was launched on the 27th of October 2009 as "an experiment".

City Cycling Edinburgh Forum

It soon became useful and entertaining. Ecumenical Coalition for Tourism - ECOT. Home of the Retour Foundation.