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The five tribal stages. I recently came across this TEDx video by David Logan talking about the five tribal stages and was glad on discovering another confirmation to my stage theoretic model.

The five tribal stages

Dave along with King and Haleee have also written a book titled “Tribal Leadership” which summarizes their research, their tribal leadership model and how corporates and other organizations can move from one tribal stage to another. As their theoretical background they have rhetorics, organizational theory and chaos theory and they view ‘culture as a self-correcting system of language’. This needs a bit of elaboration. What they mean is that the day to day language we use in our workplace or tribes and our relationships with other members of the tribes (behavior) is indicative of the stage at which the tribe is functioning. Stage 1: Despairing Hostility :“Life sucks”: If people at Stage One had T-shirts, they would read “life sucks,” and what comes out of their mouths support this adage. Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast) The Influencer checklist. Applying the Fun Theory at work.

Fun at work Sometimes, people simply don’t want to do what you want or need them to do.

Applying the Fun Theory at work

Then what? For people at work, the main motivational techniques involve money and fear. But when you’re trying to change behavior, there are 6 sources of influence. And increasing at least one of those 6, personal motivation, can be more fun and more effective than you might have ever experienced at your firm. (Note: although it turns out to be a simple concept, the secret ingredient you’ll need is at the end of the post.) What we normally do This week at work, I had to take a required online course and hit some buttons in the performance review system. You get an email instructing you about required tasks and why they’re important.You get more emails reminding you about the deadline.Your manager gets a report detailing poor completion rates.You get a threatening email detailing consequences for not completing the task.Those who failed to complete the task receive one or more penalties. Watch the videos. 8 Surefire Ways to Demotivate Your Employees. Ever notice how a new employee’s enthusiasm eventually wears off?

8 Surefire Ways to Demotivate Your Employees

In 85% of companies, employees’ morale significantly drops off after their first six months on the job, according to a survey from Harvard Management Update. For the most part, enthusiasm is determined by work environment, and it can be fostered or hindered by you—the boss. Employee motivation experts say the best way to keep employee enthusiasm moving forward is to “first, do no harm.” At a minimum, don’t do anything that demotivates your workers. Check out eight demotivators below. 1. Pointing out a worker’s mistake in front of others rarely yields a good response. 2. If employees feel like their hard work goes unnoticed, they’ll start to wonder why they’re working so hard in the first place. 3. Have you ever solicited ideas, asked what employees think about a policy, or asked your team to draft a proposal?

4. Once employees realize they won’t be able to get something done, they’ll think, “What’s the point? 5. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action. Six Hidden Factors of Motivation.