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Track a Cell Phone Using GPS. The Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite program wasn't just designed for acquiring correct directions to a particular location. It was also set up so that people like yourself can accurately track the location of your loved ones. The available methods, however, differ based on the type of phone you possess and the type of provider with whom you're registered. Six GPS Tracking Options There are a number of different options available for GPS tracking of cell phones. 1. AccuTracking AccuTracking is a paid service that enables individuals to track the status of a Windows Mobile, Blackberry, iDEN, or Android mobile phone in real time. 2.

Some major cellular service providers in the United States offer location-based tracking for their mobile customers. 3. Smartphones offer even more advanced tracking, courtesy of advanced operating systems and complex applications like Btracking. 4. Btracking requires a paid subscription for every device that you would like to track. 5. 6. Post a comment. Can I Track My Laptop or Smartphone After It's Been Stolen? 6 Ways To Secure Your Dropbox Account. Dropbox is a hugely popular cloud storage service beloved by many. Unfortunately, it’s had a history of security problems, ranging from compromised accounts to once allowing access to every Dropbox account without requiring a password for several hours.

If you’re using Dropbox, there are a variety of ways you can secure your account against unauthorized access and protect your files even if someone does gain access to your account. Enable Two-Step Verification Dropbox now supports two-step verification, also known as two-factor authentication. With two-step verification enabled, you’ll have to enter both your password and a security code from your mobile phone whenever you sign into the Dropbox website or add a new device to your account. To enable two-step verification, log into your Dropbox account, open the Settings page, and click the Security tab. You can receive codes by either text messages or via a smartphone application such as Google Authenticator. Get Email Notifications. How to Organize Evernote for Maximum Efficiency. Please note: The way I organize Evernote today is completely different than what I wrote here.

You can find my updated methodology here. I have been using Evernote for months. However, I have not really taken time to explore the depth of this incredible program until just recently. I have mainly just used it for a place to store meeting notes and an occasional web clipping. Photo courtesy of © However, thanks to Brett Kelly’s very helpful e-book, Evernote Essentials, the Evernote user forum, and a little experimentation, I have begun to see the incredible power of this digital repository. So much so, then I am committed to going paperless in my new office setup. It all begins by establishing a solid organizational structure. If you are just getting started with Evernote, I suggest that you buy Brett Kelly’s remarkably practical e-book, Evernote Essentials, 4.0. First, let’s define some terms: Notebooks: These are collections of individual notes.

A Closer Look at How I Organize My Notes In Evernote. Of all of the questions I get in my capacity as Evernote’s ambassador for paperless lifestyle, the one asked most frequently is: “How do you organize your notes?” I’ve written on this subject before, way back in May, when I provided some tips on organizing your digital filing cabinet. But if I have learned one thing about note organization in the months since, it’s that it is an evolving process. At least, that’s the way it has been in my case. So this week, I thought I would dive into more detail on how and why I organize my notes the way I do, and in doing so, take a closer look at note organization in general. ETA (1/30/13): I’ve created a subsequent post that annotates my actual notebook and tag structure because a lot of people asked for it. A Caveat About Organization The question I get asked is “how do you organize your notes.”

Defining Goals In my earlier post on the subject, I suggested that the very first step in note organization was defining your goals. Documents.