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Loli Hentai. Steampunk. Nihonomaru. Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual: Illustrated Interactive Fiction from Retropolis and Beyond. How Dieselpunk Works" Nostalgia can be powerful. It inspires daydreams, it can propel a politician into power and it may serve as the foundation for an entire artistic movement. That's the case with dieselpunk, which is both a subgenre of speculative fiction and an artistic style that roots itself in the aesthetics and technological sophistication of the past.

Dieselpunk is similar to another movement called steampunk. But while steampunk draws its aesthetics from the Victorian era of the late 19th century, dieselpunk traces its roots to the early 20th century. Like steampunk, dieselpunk marries these trends of the past with the capabilities of today's technology. Connecting today's technology with yesterday's aesthetic requires a do-it-yourself attitude. Arthrobots - Original steampunk insect sculptures by Tom Hardwidge. SteamBirds: Survival. Steampunk DIY Tech. SteamPunk Magazine. Dr Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators - Rayguns, beasts, buffoons and fair maidens!

Typewriter Keys | Vintage Typewriter Key Sets-Lots. Transforming vintage typewriter keys into jewelry is very popular these days. If you are a crafter or jewelry maker you know how well these unique bracelets, necklaces and tie tacks sell. You also know how difficult it can be to find old junk typewriters to keep up with the demand of your customers! Jewelry making takes time and searching for these old vintage machines can eat up entire days that could be better spent creating inventory. We've organized a fantastic selection of typewriter keys for you at huge savings! These are original parts from antique and vintage Underwood, Adler, Remington, Olympia, Smith Corona and other popular brands of typewriters from years gone by. Most of these keys come in sets or lots and consist of the entire keypad of a particular typewriter. Some of the keys are pre-cut, leaving you just the key head, or pad, so you can go right to work when you recieve your order.

Underwood & Remington Keys w/ Green & Red Function Keys Vintage Typewriter Keys. The Steampunk Workshop | Technology & Romance - Fashion, Style, & Science. S P O O K Y P O P : The art of Doktor A. Steampunk Terrarium.