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Automated cross browser testing with JavaScript. Does DalekJS depend on Selenium?

Automated cross browser testing with JavaScript

Short answer: No. Dalek uses the WebDriver JSON-Wire protocol to communicate with the browsers it utilitizes, when applicable. The WebDriver specification evolved out of the Selenium project, after which it was submitted as a draft to the W3C. So, in some ways, Dalek's existence would not be possible without the work the Selenium project has done so far. However, as Dalek's only dependency is node.js, there is no need to install Java or download the Selenium.jar file. How do I use DalekJS in my CI env? Dalek was developed with Continous Integration systems in mind. Travis CI.


Ember simple App for desktop and mobile single page web apps. About this demo This demo is an Ember JS app, it demonstrates how you can achieve a simple CRUD with Ember 1.1.2 + Ember-Data 1.0.0-beta3.

Ember simple App for desktop and mobile single page web apps

It also demonstrates the use of complex css animations / transitions on views and before or after route transitions. Every nth Item in Handlebars Loop - Jake Trent. Have you ever wanted to do something special every nth time through a Handlebars loop?

Every nth Item in Handlebars Loop - Jake Trent

Ember Sherpa. Notmessenger/emberjs-pageable. Jkneb/ember-crud. Edit this Fiddle. Ember-skeleton/app at master · interline/ember-skeleton. Emberjs/list-view. jQuery Knob demo. jQuery.Gantt. Contributors Marek Bielańczuk wrote the original jQuery.Gantt plugin that this version is based off of.


Tait Brown enforced stricter code guidelines by validating the code, updating it to support HTML5 and tweaking the design. Leo Pfeifenberger made major performance updates as well as adding requested features such as click events, state persisting via cookies and scrollToToday on load functionality. Grzegorz Russek helped fix the White Whale of a bug that prevented the hour view rendering correctly. Nice one. Example Analysis Scoping Development Showcasing Training Deployment Warranty Period Gantt Configuration Source Configuration Value Configuration. 40 Awesome jQuery Plugins You Need to Check Out. Scrolling jQuery Waypoints Waypoints allows you to easily trigger JavaScript events at specific scroll points. Ever wonder how people build those amazing scrolling effects? Scientific dashboard. Ember and D3: Building a simple dashboard.


Nerdyworm. Bryan Langslet. Live Demo | Github RepoFacebook-style left-swipe menu navs are pretty common in native apps these days and I wanted to quickly run through one approach to achieve this with responsive CSS and ember swipe gestures.

Bryan Langslet

I looked around at different CSS approaches and ended up choosing one similar to Mary Lou’s approach in this great article. Let’s get started, shall we? First, create a menu in our application.emblem template .menu h3 Push Menu = outlet …and hide it left of the main screen with css in our custom.css stylesheet (width: 60%, position left:-60%).

Now add a button that when clicked will pop open the menu in our posts_index.emblem template by toggling a toggleMenu function in the application route events hook. Ember.JS, ember-data, and adapter. Not as primitive as the initial version and it supports object creation/deletion/etc. Does not support bulk updates like the first one just to keep it simple. Does support ember-data revision 11 and does suppor. Sly. Introduction Sly is a JavaScript library for advanced one-directional scrolling with item based navigation support.


It can be used as a simple scrollbar replacement, as an advanced item based navigation tool, or as a great navigation and animation interface for parallax websites. This is achieved by a powerful & developer friendly API that provides a bunch of very useful methods giving you control over everything. Dependencies. Snap.js. Erik5388/barcode-39.js.


Embedable widgets. Superhero.js. MongoDB-as-a-Service (MongoDB hosting) Standard driver and REST API support Connect to your database using standard MongoDB drivers in the language of your choice or use MongoLab's JSON-based REST API.

MongoDB-as-a-Service (MongoDB hosting)

Multi-cloud Keep your database close to your app server! MongoLab provides MongoDB hosting on all the major cloud platforms — Amazon, Google, Joyent, Rackspace, and Windows Azure — and has partnered with all of the major Platform-as-a-Service providers to enable seamless integration with the application tier. High availability In addition to single-node databases, MongoLab offers multi-node, multi-zone Replica Set clusters with automatic failover for production applications with demanding uptime requirements. Continuous monitoring and alerting MongoLab is constantly monitoring the health and performance of every server, ensuring your database stays up and stays fast.

Tiny, opensource, Bootstrap WYSIWYG rich text editor from MindMup. About This tiny (5KB, < 200 lines) jQuery Bootstrap plugin turns any DIV into a WYSIWYG rich-content editor, inspired by CLEditor and bootstrap-wysihtml5.

Tiny, opensource, Bootstrap WYSIWYG rich text editor from MindMup

Here are the key features: Automatically binds standard hotkeys for common operations on Mac and Windows Drag and drop files to insert images, support image upload (also taking photos on mobile devices) Voice dictation input (only in Chrome) Allows a custom built toolbar, no magic markup generators, enabling the web site to use all the goodness of Bootstrap, Font Awesome and so on... Why? While building a content editor for MindMup we found plenty of good HTML5 WYSWYG editors online, but most were duplicating functionality that already exists in jQuery and Bootstrap, implementing things that were meanwhile added to HTML5 and supported in major browsers, or doing too much magic such as inserting IFrames with backup text-areas.

Sidr - A jQuery plugin for creating side menus. 1.3.16 - animated draggable connectors demonstration - MooTools.