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Et si la communication du luxe faisait sa révolution grâce à la data ? Talking About the Big Issues: Ad Blocking. Each week in July, we’ll be taking one of the four biggest issues in mobile advertising right now – ad blocking, viewability, ad fraud and brand safety – and examining it close up. To accompany these pieces, we’ve reached out to some industry experts to give us their perspective on the key issues affecting mobile marketing today. As we covered in our Big Issues piece earlier this week, ad blocking is becoming an increasingly important topic for mobile marketers to be aware of, and one that is causing considerable divides among different sides of the industry.

With some people claiming that changes in web browsers and network infrastructure could undermine the entire ad ecosystem, while others say that any dangers are overblown and unlikely to impact the industry as a whole, who should we believe? And what solutions are there in place to combat the rise of the ad blockers? Jon Hook, vice president, advertising strategy, Phunware: Lets get some context here – ad blocking is nothing new.

Which was the best and most successful marketing campaign in history? 3 Secrets To Make Your Writing More Shareable | Shane Snow. Flipping Out Over Handheld Movies, a Century Before Smartphones. When artist Ben Zurawski sits down at his light table to create a palm-size flip book designed to deliver about 15 seconds of animated action to one viewer at a time, he typically unwraps a fresh pack of 100-pound index cards, places 60 or so before him, picks up a mechanical pencil, and begins to draw. From start to finish, including storyboarding, penciling, rubbing out mistakes with a wadded-up ball of gum eraser, inking, and stapling, the whole process can take a week, maybe two, depending on its scope. Price tag: Just under $400.

“Movie studios gave away a lot of flip books to show off their stars.” In contrast, it can take the animation supervisors and coordinators toiling away at a major Hollywood studio a solid month to mobilize the efforts of multiple animators—often in different countries—before 15 seconds of film (that’s 360 frames at 24 frames per second) are ready to be delivered to the nation’s multiplexes.

“I just finished another wedding proposal,” he continues. The Content Marketing Strategy Behind Kimpton Hotels' Website. Earlier this week we launched our latest report in our Skift Trends series, Content Marketing Strategies for Hospitality Brands. Below is an extract. Get the full report here to get ahead of this trend. Over the last decade, many of the boutique/design and smaller luxury hotel brands have been at the forefront of content marketing trends, mainly because they’ve always positioned themselves as lifestyle experiences.

Hotel groups like Thompson, Kimpton, Joie de Vivre, and SBE rely on interesting online story narratives to help sell their on-property experience much more so than larger corporate brands during the consumer research phase. However, whatever these design-driven brands do now is often picked up by the big brands eventually. Kimpton Hotels launched an all-new version of its website in the summer of 2014 to interact with viewers on a deeper and more personal level, while engaging them longer on a year-round basis. Buy the Report Buy the Report. Shu%20Carlson%20Three%20in%20Persuasion.pdf?referral=00204&cm_mmc=email-_-newsletter-_-daily_stat-_-ds081914&utm_content=bufferc7803&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.

10 marketing predictions for 2015. Omnicultural marketing and millennials: The rise of the new cultural diplomats. A commonly cited definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result.” In today’s fast moving business environment, however, the new definition of insanity should be “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the SAME results.”

That definition is especially applicable when trying to engage Generation Y. Worldwide, there are 2 billion Global Ys (GYs) – a powerful consumer group between the ages of 18 and 34 who will represent more than $2.5 trillion in spending by 2020. This generation respects and expects innovation; more than 60% claim innovation is one of the most important qualities they look for in the brands they support.

With a little more than half the world’s population under age 30, the need to build brands that reflect millennials’ forward-thinking, creative characteristics is intensifying. Brands that understand GYs’ preferences, goals and aspirations will have a competitive advantage. Know your audience. Marketing fail: MADE accidentally sends ‘YES’ email. 072214080253_July2014Release1.pdf?utm_content=buffer7fa87&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter. Online.wsj. The New Yorker.

Photo by rmlfvr. The guide to taking on big brand’s best social media ideas -- Part 2: Developing a content strategy. Social media is fun to talk about but tough to implement. The truth is there is no cut-and-dried secret to developing a great social media program. Your social presence must be adapted to fit your business and brand. Wait, what was that? Yes, adapted means you have to do some work. Perhaps this is why so many struggle with social media. But even though every brand needs to develop their own strategy, there are a few keys to getting started that everyone can use. “Shop the world, steal from the best” You do learn some things in school. Think big, be simple, stay fresh Your content should strive to embody these three principles.

Relevancy: Take current industry news and rewrite your own opinion in a short blog post or repost to your fans. Don’t be afraid to flop Social media is a living breathing strategy. Have some success stories of your own? La historia del Social Media en una triple infografía. Me sorprende cómo en cosa de un mes he encontrado tres infografías sobre la historia del Social Media (Medios sociales), que no debemos con Social Network (redes sociales) aunque en las propias infografías lo hacen.

Como era de esperar los datos son prácticamente los mismos, con algún cambio en páginas o redes sociales concretas que aparecen en una y en otras no. Os dejo las cabeceras de cada una para que podáis compararlas y sacar ideas para hacer vuestras propias líneas de tiempo: - Infografía 1: - Infografía 2: - Infografía 3: Personalmente, más que la historia, me parece más curioso cómo han ido evolucionando cada una de las redes sociales desde su creación.

Los 10 avances que transformarán el mundo, según Samsung. Así es Fancy, la competencia directa de Pinterest. Ellos se autodenominan como “parte tienda, blog, revista y wishlist” aunque están empezando a ser más conocidos con la coletilla de ‘la competencia de Pinterest’: se llama Fancy, permite compartir imágenes, agruparlas por gustos (lo que su competencia hace) pero simplifica muchísimo más el retorno de la ‘aparición’ a las marcas. Fancy pregunta sin miramientos si quieres comprar lo que te está mostrando. Yves Saint-Laurent ya ha incluido en su tienda online el botón para compartir en Fancy (un polo helado azul muy en la línea de cosas monas que tanto triunfa en Pinterest) así que si la red/tienda/cueva de los deseos consigue superar el boom de su competidora inmediata, que ahora mismo lo abarca todo, podría tener su recorrido. Las cifras de visitantes de Fancy palidecen en comparación con las de Pinterest.

En octubre, los últimos datos oficiales que han aparecido en su blog, Fancy tuvo dos millones de visitantes. Pinterest, una gran oportunidad para el Social CommerceEl Blog de Enrique Burgos. Pinterest se esta convirtiendo en la red social del momento, nadie sabe si será flor de un día, pero parece que ha venido para quedarse. Se ha convertido ya en la 5ª red social que dirige mas tráfico a páginas de e-commerce o retailers, solo superada por Facebook, Youtube, Twitter y Yahoo!

… y eso la pone en primera línea mediática y de interés para empresas y usuarios. Para definir Pinterest, lo mejor es recurrir a expertos como Rosa Jimenez Cano, que en un reciente articulo en El Pais la describía así: es como un tablón de anuncios, como los corchos que hay en escuelas y oficinas, donde se pueden colgar las imágenes que se quieran.

Cada tablón tiene un tema y ahí se añaden contenidos tomados de Internet o fotos y vídeos hechos con el móvil. Los tablones se llaman boards (en inglés) y las anotaciones son pins, que es como se llaman los alfileres o chinchetas que se usan para colocar las notas en el mundo real. De ahí viene el nombre de pin e interest; Pinterest. How to Woo a Blogger (and get coverage) Not unlike many others in my line of work, I get a lot of pitches. Lots of emails from people who think it would be AWESOME if I covered their new product release, their new tool, the birth of their first child, or maybe even mention their stagnant blog. Trouble is that most of the pitches hitting my inbox are completely random. They’re coming from marketers and businesses who have thrown the net far and wide instead of narrow and deep.

And by doing that, they’re skimming right over the real connections and interactions. They’re playing the numbers game instead of the quality game. Essentially, they’re alienating ‘the right someone’ in their mission to hit everyone. As a blogger, here’s how I wish people would pitch me: Before you make contact… Show an interest before you pitch: We’re not dating. Know my name: Seriously. Know my niche: You may have released the SEO tool to beat all SEO tools but if I blog about birds, I really don’t care. In The Email… Skip the press release: Be original. The world as seen by LeMonde. Par Valentin le 18-12-2009 / Communication / Pas de commentaire Le Monde Magazine, le “magazine pour mieux voir le monde vient de lancer une campagne de publicité print et médias qui décline la vision du monde par de grandes personnalités. The world as seen by est leur nouvelle campagne. À partir de cette idée très simple -et furieusement drôle on voit avec humour à quoi se réduit notre bonne vieille planète bleue dans leurs yeux.

The world as seen by Obama, The world as seen by Wall Street, Ben Laden, la Mafia, Berlusconi et encore ton beauf… Ils sont tous là. Une pub qui nous plaît. La version média s’enrichit même de musiques et d’hymnes adaptés à la situation. Bien, partageons maintenant notre opinion sur cette campagne du monde magazine. C’est réalisé par Publicis Paris. via Adsoftheworld. That's Why I Chose Yale. MS's analysis of Mobile Web growth. Morgan Stanley has released a couple of bulky documents about the mobile Internet: 'The Mobile Internet Report,' a 424-page report which explores eight major themes; and 'The Mobile Internet Report Key Themes,' a 659-slide presentation that drills down on thoughts covered in the report.

We've embedded both documents below. Perhaps the most remarkable statement in the report is that the Mobile Internet market will be "at least 2x size of Desktop Internet," which Morgan Stanley bases on analysis comparing Internet users with mobile subscribers. The report starts out by saying that Apple's iPhone/iTouch/iTunes ecosystem "may prove to be the fastest ramping and most disruptive technology product / service launch the world has ever seen. " It goes on to state that "a handful of incumbents (like Apple, Google, and Skype) appear especially well positioned for mobile changes. " See also: Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Mobile Web & Augmented Reality and Top 10 Mobile Web Products of 2009. Copenhagen Zoo Campaign. Deezer, ou les raisons d’un beau gâchis - Web 1,2,3 - ElectronLi. Avec le limogeage de Jonathan Benassaya à la tête de Deezer, le rêve de voir émerger un champion du streaming en France s’envole, et avec lui celui de transformer l’essai du succès d’estime incontestable remporté l’an dernier par les acteurs de ce marché, par manque de vision et d’investissement, dans le marketing et l’innovation logicielle.

La nouvelle avait de quoi surprendre. Un confidentiel d’Electronlibre annonçait vendredi, à la veille de l’ouverture du Midemnet, le limogeage de Jonathan Benassaya à la tête de Deezer, fleuron de l’industrie du streaming en France. Un communiqué de presse sibyllin tentait de démentir l’information dans l’après-midi mais ne parvenait pas vraiment à lever le doute. En fin de journée, Electronlibre, sûr de son fait, enfonçait le clou sur la foi d’autres sources, évoquant la déception des actionnaires de Deezer devant l’échec du lancement de la formule payante du service. Les raisons d’un échec Ce n’était plus vraiment une surprise pour grand monde.