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Grid/Table - Expand

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FooTable Responsive Demo. jQuery Calendars. There are many different calendars used throughout the world.

jQuery Calendars

This plugin aims to make them accessible in JavaScript in a consistent manner. The plugin is broken up into a number of modules to allow you to customise what functionality you need. Each calendar provides certain basic information about itself, such as the number of months in a year, the number of days in a month, today's date, etc. It also validates all dates that it uses and throws an error if there is a problem.

You can check a date via the isValid function without raising an error. You retrieve a calendar implementation via the $.calendars.instance() function by supplying the calendar name and localisation language. Sample date: (mm/dd/yyyy) To JavaScript Date: Since Julian Date (the number of days since 1 January 4713 BC - Julian Calendar) is used as a common reference point, it is easy to convert dates between the different calendars. Julian date: Gregorian calendar: Taiwan calendar: Thai calendar: Julian calendar: Parse from: Implementing Multi-Table Full Text Search with Postgres in Rails. Easily searching across an application's data is a pervasive need.

Implementing Multi-Table Full Text Search with Postgres in Rails

If you are lucky, you can get away with simple sorting or searching on a single column, but it is more likely that you need full text search across multiple models, all from a single search field. There are many standalone services, some hosted and some not, offering full text search. We looked at a few of these, but decided that adding too much to our classes or having an external service running during tests weren't things we wanted for this project. Thanks to the power of Postgres' full text search, rolling your own search isn't too difficult. If all you need is to search over a few models' text and string fields, this approach is probably the simplest thing you can do. SQL Changes We'll need to construct a database view which presents a polymorphic relationship to the individual result and the text column being searched.

```sql CREATE VIEW searches AS From here, we add gin indices to the columns on which we are searching. Blog - Writable Common Table Expressions. Writable common table expressions are a powerful feature of PostgreSQL that is rarely used when building applications with an ORM like ActiveRecord.

Blog - Writable Common Table Expressions

It allows inserts, updates, and deletes to be performed in the WITH clause of an SQL statement. Here are a few techniques that I have found useful. Writable common table expressions documentation Write Master-Detail Records in a Single Statement Creating 1 master record and 3 detail records in ActiveRecord makes 6 round trips to the database server – 4 inserts, 1 begin, and 1 commit. question = text: "What is your favorite text editor? " This can be reduced to a single complex statement that returns the question id with a writable CTE: with q as ( insert into questions(text) values('What is your favorite text editor? ') Let’s take a closer look at that SQL. jQuery treetable. Download the latest release from the jQuery Plugin Registry or grab the source code from Github.

jQuery treetable

Please report issues through Github issues. This plugin is released under both the MIT and the GPLv2 license by Ludo van den Boom. Table of Contents 1. Overview jQuery treetable is a plugin for jQuery, the 'Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library'. Unobtrusiveness One of the goals of jQuery treetable is to be as unobtrusive as possible. The treetable plugin only requires that you add specific data attributes to every row that is part of your tree. Features It can display a tree of data in a table column. 2. Demo for Expand table rows with jQuery - jExpand plugin. Examples · mleibman/SlickGrid Wiki. JqGrid Demos. Live Demo - jQuery EasyUI. jQuery Grid, JavaScript Grid, jqxGrid, DataGrid, jQuery DataGrid. Tablex - A simple jQuery plugin to create a grid with row expander which transforms any HTML table into expandable grid.