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JqGrid Demos

Mapas conceptuales Un mismo texto o contenido se puede representar de formas diferentes. Es difícil que dos personas hagan el mismo mapa conceptualAprender a realizarlos, no desde cero, sino a partir de otros ya confeccionados sobre un mismo tema.Empezar siempre elaborándolos sobre un papel, haciendo y deshaciendo borradores hasta adquirir el resultado deseado. La entrada en Wikipedia está poco desarrollada, y esa es, precisamente, su ventaja, para una primera aproximación: Este segundo enlace (interesantísimo portal conocido en los materiales del curso del INTEF "REA EN CCSS") nos viene muy bien para detallar algunos conceptos básicos para definirlos y diferenciarlos de otros organizadores gráficos, particularmente los mapas mentales.ConceptosPalabras de enlaceProposiciónLíneas y flechas de enlace Aunque con importantes errores conceptuales (confunde mapa conceptual con otros tipos de organizadores), puede resultar una buena propuesta práctica la magnífica página

Create your web calculator or web form with Excel - SpreadsheetConverter Features and benefits SpreadsheetConverter is the perfect tool for creating calculating web forms and web pages that attract attention. Instantaneous response: All calculations and validations are done immediately when the user enters new data. Everything is done in the browser.

Une réintroduction à JavaScript Introduction Pourquoi une réintroduction ? Parce que JavaScript peut raisonnablement se targuer d'être le langage de programmation le plus incompris au monde. Bien que souvent raillé comme étant un simple jouet, derrière sa simplicité désarmante se cachent certaines fonctionnalités de langage très puissantes. Free icons! License: Free for commercial use License: Free for commercial use (Include link to authors website) License: Free for non commercial use

Web-Based JavaScript Spreadsheet Software - dhtmlxSpreadsheet dhtmlxSpreadsheet is an open source spreadsheet widget written in JavaScript and PHP that allows you to quickly add an Excel-like, editable data table on a web page. It is also available as a plugin for WP, Joomla, etc. If you need to display data in a table and put it on the web for sharing or further editing, you might consider using online spreadsheet services. However, what if you want to keep the data on your own server? With dhtmlxSpreadsheet, you can store the data on your side and show it in a Ajax-based spreadsheet that can be accessed in edit or read-only mode.

Top 23 Best Free JavaScript Frameworks for Web Developers 2016 The JavaScript community experienced some really big changes last year. ECMAScript 6 was finally standardized and published, and most popular compilers and web browsers are working hard to adapt to all the new changes and regulations. To fully understand such a huge update (the last ES update was in 2009), it’s necessary to immerse yourself within a solid step by step guide that discusses all of the aspects of the new standard, and the best such guide we could find comes from Lars Kappert who shared his ES6 list of changes post at Smashing Mag. In terms of implemented ES6 features into browsers themselves, Mozilla Firefox (85%) and Google Chrome (71%) are currently leading the pack for everyone else to follow. But JavaScript is much more than just a standard, some really great apps and platforms have been built and published for the public this year, one of the latest being OS.js — a fully functional cloud platform that integrates Desktop Computer features within the browser. MobX

Popplet Accident Investigation What is an accident and why should it be investigated? The term "accident" can be defined as an unplanned event that interrupts the completion of an activity, and that may (or may not) include injury or property damage. An incident usually refers to an unexpected event that did not cause injury or damage this time but had the potential. "Near miss" or "dangerous occurrence" are also terms for an event that could have caused harm but did not. Please note: The term incident is used in some situations and jurisdictions to cover both an "accident" and "incident". jQuery UI If You Have a Workers' Comp Injury, Can You Choose Your Own Doctor? Your ability to choose your own doctor for treatment related to a work-related injury covered by workers’ compensation depends on the state where your claim is filed. Some states require that an injured worker be seen by a doctor chosen by the employer or the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier. Other states allow injured workers to choose any doctor within a network, and admission to the network is determined by the state, the employer, or the employer’s insurance company. Rules also vary for whether you can choose a doctor for the initial treatment visit as compared to continuing treatment for your industrially related condition. Keep in mind that your regular physician may or may not treat injured workers. Rules for treating injured workers -- and receiving payment for the treatment -- are complicated and different from most regular health insurance billing systems.

Stacking Up Pallet Pros and Cons By Joseph O'Reilly Tags: Pallets As shippers look to uncover efficiencies and economies in their supply chain, pallet management presents an area ripe for picking. Walk into any warehouse, manufacturing, or retail facility, and pallets are hard to miss.
