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Bookmarking. 8+ ways to Use Popplet App as Graphic Organizer. Graphic organizers. We teach students how to use them in order to map out our thoughts. As educators we have a variety of resources to find all kinds of neat graphic organizers depending on our purpose. We have them in our books in our classroom or we can do a search online and find them from our favorite teaching websites.

However…we are usually printing them and making copies for the students. Or, we are showing them an example template and then having our students create their own on paper. ...using Popplet Lite on the iPad is a great alternative! {*style:<b> </b>*} {*style:<b> I remembered towards the end that you can change the colors of the boxes which can help distinguish points even more.

Don't forget that you can move around on the screen on the iPad, but when emailing the JPEG, you should tap "view all" first. Click for full-size image The paid version of the Popplet app for the iPad is $4.99 and has more options as well. Anyone have any other ideas out there?!? A Simple Guide for Teachers to Create eBooks on iPad using iBook Author. Create your personal landing page & contact hub.

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Pixelhub is a plug 'n play website builder that allows you to create a crisp, stylish website that is super-easy to edit and almost impossible to mess up. "Pixelhub is different from other website creation applications because the platform encourages its users to build websites that are a reflection of their inner personalities. " - Featured in: Check out some Personal Websites built with .Pixelhub: & Designer, Mexico City, MX & Designer, Poznan, Poland.

Create. De makkelijke manier om grote bestanden te versturen. Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations and documents. De revolutionaire kracht van Twitter. Abstract: Michelle Oosthuyzen onderzoekt in haar artikel 'De revolutionaire kracht van Twitter' de claim van cyberoptimisten dat de revolutie in het Midden-Oosten een direct gevolg is van het gebruik van sociale media.

De revolutionaire kracht van Twitter

Oosthuyzen exploreert zowel het populaire, optimistische als het pessimistische discours en pleit voor een genuanceerdere analyse van de relatie tussen sociale media, hun revolutionaire potentieel en de samenleving. “The Revolution Will Be Twittered”, met deze uitspraak luidde Andrew Sullivan in 2009 het debat omtrent de ‘Twitter-revolutie’ in het Midden-Oosten in. Vervolgens blijft de focus binnen dit debat op de vraag of we inderdaad kunnen spreken van een Twitter-revolutie; ja of nee. Ten eerste doet deze benadering af aan de complexiteit van de situatie. Volgens cybersceptici betekent het erkennen van een Twitter-revolutie, het erkennen van Twitter als dé oorzaak van de golf aan revoluties in het Midden-Oosten. Bibliografie Freelon, D. (2011, 29 januari).