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DIY page : this page gives you many resources about how to do (by yourself) some interesting and pretty things. Instructables - DIY How To Make Instructions. MyMiniFactory is a network that alows you to download STL files for 3D printer, so is a very useful webpage.

3DaGoGo™, another page to download STL files, for to print them in 3D. This page is for you to know how many days, hours or minutes you need to stay for the Maker Faire Rome. In this page you'll find information about a Maker Faire in Barcelona. FabLab: Laboratory of digital fabrication. This page shows yo information about one Madrid's FabLab. El FabLab de MediaLab-Prado es un laboratorio que sirve para experimentar con diferentes procesos y herramientas de fabricación digital.

FabLab: Laboratory of digital fabrication. This page shows yo information about one Madrid's FabLab

A través de sus talleres de prototipado colaborativo, el uso de máquinas da soporte a las diferentes proyectos y líneas de trabajo e investigación de Medialab-Prado. En su ubicación actual en la antigua Serrería Belga cuenta con un espacio específicamente equipado y dedicado a este fin, con maquinaria de fabricación digital (cortadora laser, cortadora de vinilo, impresoras 3d y fresadoras de pequeño y gran formato). Este Fablab funciona como: Taller en el que los proyectos y propuestas desarrolladas en Medialab-Prado puedan utilizar herramientas, materiales y máquinas para construir sus prototipos.

(Interactivos? Find in this page all the interesting information about the FabLabs in Madrid. Maker Media – Leading the Maker Movement, one of the favourite websites of makers. Maker Faire is the best website I've found about makers, if you want to be one, this is your page! With the launch of MAKE Magazine in 2005, Dougherty and his team provided the catalyst for a tech-influenced DIY community that has come to be identified as the Maker Movement.

Maker Faire is the best website I've found about makers, if you want to be one, this is your page!

As the movement has gathered increasing momentum, makers have created their own market ecosystem, developing new products and services. The combination of ingenious makers and innovative technologies such as the Arduino microcontroller and personal 3D printing are driving innovation in manufacturing, engineering, industrial design, hardware technology and education.

Over the years, the MAKE division has become synonymous with the Maker Movement and is the recognized leader of this growing community of makers. Many makers are hobbyists, enthusiasts or students (amateurs!) –but they are also a wellspring of innovation, creating new products and producing value in the community.