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Livre blanc : comment communiquer sur LinkedIn ? On parle beaucoup des réseaux sociaux professionnels, mais l’activité y est finalement assez calme. Destinés à créer des échanges et des discussions, leur rôle est de plus en plus centré sur la création de profils, au détriment du reste. Il y a certes des supers-actifs sur ces réseaux, toujours prompts à venir discuter et à multiplier les contacts. Mais ils sont une minorité, et bien souvent les seuls messages reçus proviennent de spammeurs ou de démarcheurs un peu trop agressifs… Sur le papier pourtant, ces espaces ont tout pour plaire. Des millions de professionnels inscrits, des forums par métier ou secteur, un système de contacts permettant d’interagir avec ses connaissances… Le problème vient de la surabondance des espaces d’échange sites d’actu, médias sociaux, commentaires, …), de la non-volonté de beaucoup à se pencher sur leur métier en dehors des heures de travail mais également des entreprises elles-même. SEM.

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Nvelles techniques (social media) E-mailing. Jeux concours. Buzz. Display. User Growth: What are good blogs and resources on user growth strategies and tactics. 10 Marketing Lessons for Early-Stage Tech Startups. I made every textbook mistake at my first startup, which is why I believe I was much more effective at my second one. I have adopted the motto “good judgment comes from experience, but experience comes from bad judgment.“ We need to learn from doing, by trial-and-error.

If I can help you avoid some of my first-time mistakes it would be a victory. The following are some lessons I learned about early-stage startup marketing. Because market is such a broad topic, I’m restricting these lessons to PR marketing (as opposed SEO, SEM, product marketing, etc.). 1. The truth is that we work in a very small, tight-knit industry and news & plans spread fast.

Also be careful about VCs. I actually like finding entrepreneurs who are more circumspect, less braggadocios and generally more planned about their actions. 2. I think he really learned from this experience: Experience comes from bad judgment. In my experience, entrepreneurs who are overly paranoid or are information hoarders rarely do well. 3.

The 5 Minute Guide To Cheap Startup Advertising. The following is a guest post by Rob Walling. Rob Walling has been an entrepreneur for most of his life and is author of the book Start Small, Stay Small: A Developer's Guide to Launching a Startup. He also authors the top 20 startup blog Software By Rob, that's read by tens of thousands of startup entrepreneurs every month and he owns the leading ASP.NET invoicing software on the market in addition to a handful of profitable web properties. Imagine that you've just completed version 1 of your product and you're preparing for launch. You’ve greased the wheels with a few bloggers, targeted some keywords with SEO, created a bit of linkbait, and scheduled the press release to launch in the morning.

The half-life of advertising traffic is zero. Strategy #1: Try to Get Permission Seriously consider offering something in exchange for a visitor's email address. Strategy #2: Use Advertising to Test Use advertising as a testing tool rather than a long-term stream of customers. Option #3: Facebook. How Digital Marketers Will Survive the Coming 'Do-Not-Track' World. Marketing Is Dead - Bill Lee. Traditional marketing — including advertising, public relations, branding and corporate communications — is dead. Many people in traditional marketing roles and organizations may not realize they’re operating within a dead paradigm. But they are. The evidence is clear. First, buyers are no longer paying much attention. Second, CEOs have lost all patience. Third, in today’s increasingly social media-infused environment, traditional marketing and sales not only doesn’t work so well, it doesn’t make sense.

In fact, this last is a bit of a red herring, because traditional marketing isn’t really working anywhere. There’s a lot of speculation about what will replace this broken model — a sense that we’re only getting a few glimpses of the future of marketing on the margins. Restore community marketing. Companies should position their social media efforts to replicate as much as possible this community-oriented buying experience. Find your customer influencers. Help them build social capital. 4 Tips For Gamifying Your Tired Marketing Plan. Darren Steele is the strategic director of Mindspace, and co-author of the gamification book, “I’ll Eat this Cricket for a Cricket Badge.” Darren can be reached at The hype around gamification is fairly new, but the idea has been around for some time. In fact, badges and leader boards could be considered the new sweepstakes and loyalty rewards.

And gamification is not just for major consumer brands and their tech-savvy 18-to-34-year-old demographic. There are examples where gamification in marketing has worked spectacularly for 50-year-old rural ranchers. In other words, any audience is up for grabs. SEE ALSO: Why Gamification Can’t Be Stopped That said, marketers can't just add a Groupon-style approach to something and think it's gamified. 1.

Do you want this to actually feel like a game for your customers or do you want game mechanics buried deep enough that your target may not realize why the experience is so compelling? 2. One place to test this is YouTube. 3. Dropbox Startup Lessons Learned. Faire connaitre son site e-commerce, l'exemple jimmy fairly. Retour aujourd’hui sur Jimmy Fairly qui en plus de proposer un concept vraiment original frappe un grand coup niveau communication web, un bel exemple de réussite online !

Je vous ai brièvement parlé de Jimmy Fairly il y a quelques temps lors de mon article concernant 5 sites ecommerce au concept innovant. Retour aujourd’hui sur Jimmy Fairly qui en plus de proposer un concept vraiment original frappe un grand coup niveau communication web, un bel exemple de réussite online ! Rappel des faits Jimmy Fairly est un opticien-lunetier en ligne qui a vu le jour grâce au Startup Weekend de l’an dernier. Une levée de fond de 200K € plus tard, le site ouvrait ses portes il y a quelques semaines. Au programme : de la vente de lunette certes mais avec une dimension éthique.

Beaucoup de sites ont un concept sympathique, innovant ou du moins intéressant, le souci reste toujours de fédérer assez de trafic et de notoriété pour transformer l’essai. La blogosphère tu accueilleras Les RP tu ne négligeras pas. Comment donner (encore) plus de visibilité aux commentaires de vos clients ? How to write for the web: 23 useful rules. About a decade ago I lucked into a job as a technology journalist. I had no journalism experience / qualifications, but I could string a sentence together and was madly passionate about ‘the internet’. Still am, for that matter. I had to learn on the job: it was very much a case of in-at-the-deep end.

I remember doing a lot of reading to understand how users read online, and how best to write. A lot of the standards set by the likes of Jakob Nielsen still apply today. Nowadays writing is a part of what I do, but it isn’t my whole job. Before we begin I should point out that Yossarian remains my foremost literary hero and rules are always there to be broken.

The Braindump rule One of the best ways of writing an article is to quickly pour out your thoughts, and then to finesse the finer points once you have a structure for your post. The Write The Opening Paragraph Last rule I often start an article by writing an introduction, only to completely change it after I’ve finished the piece. Ce que la crise change pour le marketing : la fin des géants aux pieds d’argile. Se poser les bonnes questions pour ses investissements emarketing. Bonjour ! Première visite ? Vous pouvez souscrire au fil RSS pour suivre les futurs articles de Consonaute Pourquoi le retargeting a-t-il autant de succès ? Parce que les annonceurs préfèrent dépenser leur argent chez les prestataires plutôt que se poser les bonnes questions chez eux. Oui, je suis provocateur dans mes propos. Un petit électrochoc et un peu de provocation ne font pas mal parfois.

Je prends comme support de ma démonstration le site Daxon sur lequel j’ai été amené à surfer pour des raisons professionnelles. Voici la home page du site Je surfe, je consulte, je crée un panier avec plusieurs produits. Voilà une page produit consultée Que se passe-t-il alors ? Daxon ne me propose aucune aide, aucune amorce de conversation. Voici en appui son radar de l’engagement Si Daxon ne met rien en place surson propre site, en revanche, il investit dans une mécanique de retargeting. Je ne vous présente que 2 captures d’écran. Social Media vs The Real World : Why you should have a REAL Marketing Plan (my first personal blog post) - NYC, Startups, Clippings & Musings. CHART OF THE DAY: Google Is Much More Important Than Facebook For Purchasing Decisions. Google AdWords or Facebook Ads.

On buying unmeasurable media. Should you invest in TV, radio, billboards and other media where you can't measure whether your ad works? Is an ad in New York magazine worth 1,000 times as much as a text link on Google? If you're doing the comparison directly, that's how much extra you're paying if you're only measuring direct web visits... One school of thought is to measure everything. If you can't measure it, don't do it. This is the direct marketer method and there's no doubt it can work. There's another thought, though: Most businesses (including your competitors) are afraid of big investments in unmeasurable media. Therefore, if you have the resources and the guts, it's a home run waiting to be hit. Ralph Lauren is a billion dollar brand. There are two things you should never do: Try to measure unmeasurable media and use that to make decisions. And if you're selling unmeasurable media?

Solving for Banner Blindness. Solve Media. I think we’ve all come to accept that “banner blindness” is a real phenomenon. Sometimes you see solutions and immediately know they just make sense. Solve Media is that. In the early days of the Internet as an advertising medium the industry organized to create “standard ad units” for which most media companies would sell their inventory. The standards were set by the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau), which was founded in 1996. Normalizing ad units obviously has a benefit. But as we’ve all gotten used to the standard “banner” across the top of our screens or the “sky scraper” along the right-hand side we’ve trained ourselves not to look there any longer.

The industry is taking different approaches to the problem. So the debate in the print media world is whether or not to insert a paywall between users and content. But is there a better way? Solve Media offers a middle ground that they believe solves the problem. Am I an investor? Spencer Fry — Bootstrap Marketing. A quick Google search for "bootstrap marketing" brings up a bunch of useless nonsense. The results are either in the form of "Top 10 Bootstrap Marketing Tips" or "Bootstrap Marketing 101" guides. They're outdated and uninformative — full of obvious suggestions such as: "you should blog" and "use Twitter to get the word out. " Not to mention that all the ads are hurting my eyes. So here are some things you can do that won't cost you a penny and will hopefully give you an "aha" moment.

Let Your Users Market For You Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is unquestionably a first step. I'm not talking about the "email your friends" pop up or referral programs. What we realized early on with Carbonmade is that one reason to have an online portfolio, among others, is to show off your work to your friends. We don't have to plaster a garish advertisement on their portfolio alerting the viewer to our services. One of my favorite examples of this approach to finding new sign-ups is Kickstarter. Comment gagner sa vie en tant qu'affilié | News-marketing. Le marketing de l'attention. La convergence des outils et des technologies conduit-elle à la convergence des contenus où à leur divergence ?

C’est peut-être ainsi qu’on pourrait résumer l’enjeu qui sous-tend la question du transmédia, sujet coeur des Masterclass internationales du Transmédia qui se tenaient à Marseille la semaine dernière. Après avoir observé ce qu’est le transmédia, intéressons-nous à ces enjeux. Susana Ruiz est une artiste qui donne des cours à la division des médias interactifs de l’école des arts cinématiques de l’université de Californie du Sud. Elle est également la fondatrice de Take Action, un studio de développement de jeux sérieux. En cela son profil est différent de celui de bien des intervenants de ces masterclass. Elle est à l’origine de plusieurs jeux qui ont reçu une certaine attention comme Darfur is Dying, un jeu sérieux sur la crise au Darfour développé en 2006 ou Finding Zoe pour prendre conscience des stéréotypes masculins et féminins. Les usages aussi ont évolué. Advice for startups on how to make money from online advertising. Over the past few months, I have been approached by a number of Canadian online startups for advice on how to make money from online advertising.

The most common question I get is “when does it make sense to start selling ads on my website and how do I do that?” Since so many digital startups want to know, I thought it would make sense to write a blog about it. Here are some helpful steps to take and options to consider: 1. Determine your monthly unique visitor traffic Typically, advertisers (and their agencies) won’t be interested in buying premium ads on your website until you’ve hit a certain traffic threshold. Advertisers usually want to see data from third-party online media measurement companies, rather than your back-end data from Google Analytics or Omniture. 2. A quick way to do this is to look at the total number of pageviews that you have on your website. So, the calculation involves multiplying your total number of pageviews, times 1.5 ad units and then times $12.00. 3. 4. Quelles leçons Marketing retenir de l’industrie du X ? Cet article est une libre traduction d’un article de David Risley, du Blog éponyme

David y présente les mécanismes du secteur du X, un des secteurs les plus en avance sur le Web, et les conséquences que nous pouvons en tirer dans le secteur du Web Marketing. Il mène ainsi une réflexion sur l’avenir des Blogueurs et des vendeurs de produits numériques en prenant comme référence la récente histoire l’industrie du X sur le Web… une industrie qui a toujours été à la pointe de l’innovation Technologique et Marketing… Pourquoi choisir de publier cet article ?

Tout simplement car j’ai encore discuté avec le Web Marketeur d’un site B2C français très connu qui a exercé son Art (le Marketing bien entendu !) Dans le X pendant plusieurs années, et il m’a encore une fois confirmé que le X était vraiment 1 à 3 ans en avance sur les techniques marketing, car la concurrence y était extrêmement féroce (SEO black hat, vol de nom de domaine…).

Le Gratuit va t’il sonner la fin du Payant ? Comment trouver des prospects sans passer par Google ? – Partie 1 La publicité au clic. Google représente plus de 90% de part de marché pour les moteurs des recherches en France, et pour de nombreux sites Google représente plus de 90% des visites, que cela soit via Google Adwords (liens sponsorisés sur le moteur de recherches et sur le réseau de contenu Adsense / Youtube) ou via le référencement naturel. Or cette situation est dangereuse.- D’une part il est dangereux d’être si dépendant d’un seul fournisseur (qui peut d’ailleurs vous sanctionner de manière unilatérale comme c’est arrivé aux USA avec certains vendeurs de produits “miracles” comme l’Acai Berry),- D’autre part on arrive assez vite à des limites en termes de génération de prospects après moult optimisations de ses campagnes Adwords (voir guide de démarrage Adwords) ou de son référencement naturel (voir notre article sur l’amélioration d’un site existant).

C’est pourquoi nous allons voir dans ce dossier des idées pour trouver des prospects sans “l’acheter” directement auprès de Google : En conclusion… Les programmes de parrainage sont-ils efficaces pour recruter de nouveaux clients? La sélection de liens Marketing du mois… Why Does Facebook Hate This Woman? Et si vous Suiviez le Meilleur de la Blogosphère Marketing Française ?

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