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Misc. Shoppling. Data protection. Work. Education. TRAVEL SEARCH ENGINES. News&media. Going out. Social nets. Gadgets. Sports & health. Leningrad — No and No Again. Radios. Видеосеминары: Архив. How a Good Leader Reacts to a Crisis - John Baldoni - The Conversation. By John Baldoni | 1:12 PM January 4, 2011 There is something about a big snowstorm that brings out the best, or more often the worst, in big city mayors.

How a Good Leader Reacts to a Crisis - John Baldoni - The Conversation

If, as former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill once said, “All politics is local,” then you would think that the first hint of snow in the forecast would prompt mayors to relocate their offices temporarily to where the snowplows are dispatched.

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