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Building A Resilient Mindset. Pricing. Agconsultant. Log In ‹ Ask The Personal Assistant — WordPress. Coaching - VIP VA. I work with new and existing VAs who are hitting the wall with their businesses, unsure of where to turn and in need of some support and direction from someone independent, but that importantly knows the industry.

Coaching - VIP VA

As a new or established VA business owner I understand – you are bombarded with the constant additional elements there are in setting up and running your business, building your reputation and brand and the wax and wane of your client base. Of course, it is all part of the journey in ensuring that your venture is a successful one, however, it is far from easy – particularly when you are juggling family and business. Trust me, I’ve been there! Whether you feel that you need some direction on where to take your business to next, how to build a team around you, or how to create success with conflicting priorities – working with me we can get you to where you need to be. Since 2012 I have set up and run three successful online businesses whilst also raising two small kids. Bee Organisée - Blog rangement, organisation et vie de famille. Just how much time is lost to disorganisation? - Practically Perfect PA. Did you know, on average office workers will spend 13 minutes and 13 seconds each day searching for missing paperwork and stationery?

Just how much time is lost to disorganisation? - Practically Perfect PA

That’s despite one in five decluttering their desks on a weekly basis. The little things we do in the office each day really do add up, according to a new study from Avery UK. Over the course of a working lifetime an office worker will drink an average of 24,684 cups of tea, disagree with colleagues 479 times and send a staggering 400,816 emails. On average, office workers will also be on the ‘phone for a total of two years and three months, making 158,982 calls during their entire career.

Whilst these figures offer a light-hearted look at our time in the office, they also highlight just how much what we do each day really matters. For instance, the daily scribbling of notes eventually means office workers will get through 196 notepads and run 282 pens dry across their careers. This competition is sponsored by Avery. Organise your life. Home - Practically Perfect PA. La fiche récap est en route ! Merci de votre confiance !

La fiche récap est en route !

Je viens de vous envoyer la fiche récap de la vidéo à l’adresse email que vous avez indiqué. Comment choisir entre et Comment choisir entre et ? Cette question, je parie que vous vous la posez si vous débutez, ou que vous vous l’êtes déjà posée si vous avez un peu de bouteille. En effet, il existe deux “versions” de WordPress qui ont certes quelques points communs, mais surtout beaucoup de différences. Cet article va les aborder en détails et vous expliquer quelle version adopter en fonction de vos attentes, de vos compétences techniques, et de vos objectifs. Blog. Timeline JS3 - Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use. 8 Conseils pour Accélérer votre Site WordPress. La vitesse de chargement de votre site est un critère essentiel pour l’expérience utilisateur de vos visiteurs mais également un point capital en matière de référencement (SEO).

8 Conseils pour Accélérer votre Site WordPress

Google exige des sites rapides parce que ses utilisateurs veulent une navigation fluide. A l’heure où les smartphones se démocratisent, il serait regrettable de perdre des clients à cause d’un site trop lent, inadapté pour des connexions mobiles. Bien que la plupart des conseils délivrés ici soient valables pour l’ensemble des projets Web, l’accent a été mis sur les sites propulsés par la plateforme WordPress. Pour rappel, WordPress est un système de gestion de contenu – Content Management System, qui propulse 16,6% des sites Web dans le monde et presque 50% du top 100 des blogs. Quelques fondamentaux 80% du temps de chargement d’un site correspond au front-end (images, feuilles de styles, JavaScript, Flash, etc.). L’optimisation d’un site Web s’opère sur 3 points : Les outils d’analyse des performances 1. 2.

Soleil Noir. Reputation Squad, the augmented influence agency. Team.