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Ritesh Patil

On-Demand App Development Company - Mobisoft Infotech. Top 17 Telemedicine Apps to Connect With Your Doctors Online. It’s 4 am and you have woken up with a throbbing pain in your upper abdomen – and you can’t go back to sleep!

Top 17 Telemedicine Apps to Connect With Your Doctors Online

Where can you get help in such an odd hour when no doctors are available? Thanks to telemedicine apps that are revolutionizing healthcare, you can get instant consultation from a doctor, even at 4 am. A doctor can remotely track your symptoms through a video chat, find out the cause for your pain and also prescribe medicines if required. Flutter vs. React Native vs. Xamarin: Which One to Choose for Cross-platform App Development?

Developing multiple versions of your apps for cross-platforms isn’t always feasible.

Flutter vs. React Native vs. Xamarin: Which One to Choose for Cross-platform App Development?

It is time-consuming and expensive. And that’s why businesses are inclined towards cross-platform mobile app development tools. Cross-platform app development makes the development process more efficient. And it also eases app support and maintenance. But finding the best tool is really a difficult task. Healthcare Startups: Barriers and Facilitators of Growth. Healthcare startups around the world are ushering a new horizon to improve the delivery of care.

Healthcare Startups: Barriers and Facilitators of Growth

Explore the opportunities and challenges of being a startup in healthcare in COVID-19 in today’s post. Learn how to solve challenges and succeed. Healthcare is an ever-evolving industry that transforms without a stop. The advancement of technology, patient preferences, compliance, and other factors are always acting on healthcare to bring about changes. Healthcare Software Development Company - Mobisoft Infotech. Warehouse Management System - Role and Functions in Logistics Chain - Mobisoft Infotech. Warehouse Management System (WMS) is the cornerstone of the logistics system.

Warehouse Management System - Role and Functions in Logistics Chain - Mobisoft Infotech

A WMS constitutes an internal system of the logistics companies, which is highly configurable to control and manage aspects of storage, distribution, others. A robust WMS is what an organization needs for efficient and productive operations, which includes inventory balance, manage materials, pickup process and auditing. If you are lacking an effective WMS, then it is impossible to achieve an extraordinary functioning logistic system. Wearable Technology: The Coming Revolution in Digital Health.

A few years ago could anybody predict that daily visits to physicians, physically visiting doctors for common diagnostic procedures like checking blood pressure and blood sugar, a wide range of existing medical monitoring systems and products, will all become conventional methods in healthcare, that more than a million people would buy a watch that not only tells the time but tracks your workouts, too?

Wearable Technology: The Coming Revolution in Digital Health

But that’s exactly what happened. Yes, we are in a world where the role technology plays in our lives is rapidly growing, as we are willing to be more and more dependent on it. Find On-Demand Dog Walker Near You Through These Dog Walking Apps. In 2014 when Joshua Viner, an LA tech entrepreneur contacted Jason Meltzer, who was running a well-known outfit for dog walking.

Find On-Demand Dog Walker Near You Through These Dog Walking Apps

Viner shared his tale of pining for his childhood pet, a Shetland sheepdog, and his lack of time to care for the dog. This discussion gave him an idea; he thought there would also be other people like him who want a dog but have many times may not be available to take proper care. Uber Business Model Explained: From Start to Finish - Mobisoft Infotech. What Is Uber’s Business Model?

Uber Business Model Explained: From Start to Finish - Mobisoft Infotech

How Uber Works? How Does Uber Make Money? What Is Uber’s Business Strategy? What is PHI and What is Not PHI? Protected Health Information (PHI) is basically the personally identifiable health information that is protected and regulated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, better known as HIPAA.

What is PHI and What is Not PHI?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was filed or rather written 20 years ago when smartphones were a distant reality. Therefore, everything related to this act was penned down for mostly an analog world of physical X-rays and even paper files. And in today’s era of wearables, genetic sequencing, health apps, and much more, getting a proper and precise definition of PHI can be quite difficult to understand, especially for the developers who are trying to parse or figure out whether they need to be HIPAA compliant or not. Transforming Last Mile Delivery. Hire NodeJS Developers. iOS App Development Services.